Coverage Calls ============== .. note:: The content of this chapter is in the `05-coverage` branch. How it Works ------------ Since bucket and key are hashed together to decide to which vnode a request will go it means that the keys for a given bucket may be distributed in multiple vnodes, and in case you are running in a cluster this means your keys are distributed in multiple physical nodes. This means that to list all the keys from a bucket we have to ask all the vnodes for the keys on a given bucket and then put the responses together and return the set of all responses. For this Riak Core provides something called coverage calls, which are a way to handle this process of running a command on all vnodes and gathering the responses. In this chapter we are going to implement the `tanodb:keys(Bucket)` function using coverage calls. In this case we call `tanodb_coverage_fsm:start({keys, Bucket}, Timeout)`, which is a new module, it implements a behavior called `riak_core_coverage_fsm`, short for riak_core_coverage `finite state machine `_, it implements some predefined callbacks that are called on different states of a finite state machine. The start function calls `tanodb_coverage_fsm_sup:start_fsm([ReqId, self(), Request, Timeout])` which starts a supervisor for this new process. When we start the fsm with a command `{keys, Bucket}` and a timeout in milliseconds, it starts a supervisor that starts the finite state machine process, it first calls the init function which initializes the state of the process and returns some information to riak_core so it knows what kind of coverage call we want to do, then riak_core calls the handle_coverage function on each vnode and with each response it calls `process_result` in our process. When all the results are received or if an error happens (such as a timeout) it will call the finish callback there we send the results to the calling process which is waiting for it. The handle_coverage implementation is really simple, it uses the `ets:match/2 function `_ to match against all the entries with the given bucket and returns the key from the matched results. You can read more about ets match specs in the `match spec chapter on the Erlang documentation `_. Implementing it --------------- Code in tanodb.erl is really simple: .. code-block:: erlang keys(Bucket, Opts) -> Timeout = maps:get(timeout, Opts, ?TIMEOUT), tanodb_coverage_fsm:start({keys, Bucket}, Timeout). In tanodb_vnode.erl we need to implement the handle_coverage callback: .. code-block:: erlang handle_coverage({keys, Bucket}, _KeySpaces, {_, RefId, _}, State=#state{kv_state=KvState}) -> {Keys, KvState1} = tanodb_kv_ets:keys(KvState, Bucket), {reply, {RefId, Keys}, State#state{kv_state=KvState1}}; We add two new modules: tanodb_coverage_fsm The FSM implementation for the coverage call. tanodb_coverage_fsm_sup The supervisor for the FSM processes. We also add the tanodb_coverage_fsm_sup to the tanodb_sup supervisor tree. Trying it --------- .. code-block:: erlang Nums = lists:seq(1, 10). Buckets = lists:map(fun (N) -> list_to_binary("bucket-" ++ integer_to_list(N)) end, Nums). Keys = lists:map(fun (N) -> list_to_binary("key-" ++ integer_to_list(N)) end, Nums). GenValue = fun (Bucket, Key) -> [{bucket, Bucket}, {key, Key}] end. lists:foreach(fun (Bucket) -> lists:foreach(fun (Key) -> Val = GenValue(Bucket, Key), tanodb:put(Bucket, Key, Val) end, Keys) end, Buckets). {ok, Items} = tanodb:keys(<<"bucket-1">>). [{Partition, Node, Keys} || {Partition, Node, Keys} <- Items, Keys =/= []]. .. code-block:: erlang [{296867520082839655260123481645494988367611297792, 'tanodb@', [<<"key-10">>]}, {365375409332725729550921208179070754913983135744, 'tanodb@', [<<"key-4">>]}, {137015778499772148581595453067151533092743675904, 'tanodb@', [<<"key-8">>]}, {707914855582156101004909840846949587645842325504, 'tanodb@', [<<"key-9">>]}, {45671926166590716193865151022383844364247891968, 'tanodb@', [<<"key-2">>]}, {753586781748746817198774991869333432010090217472, 'tanodb@', [<<"key-9">>]}, {274031556999544297163190906134303066185487351808, 'tanodb@', [<<"key-10">>]}, {822094670998632891489572718402909198556462055424, 'tanodb@', [<<"key-5">>]}, {319703483166135013357056057156686910549735243776, 'tanodb@', [<<"key-4">>,<<"key-10">>]}, {342539446249430371453988632667878832731859189760, 'tanodb@', [<<"key-4">>]}, {68507889249886074290797726533575766546371837952, 'tanodb@', [<<"key-2">>]}, {799258707915337533392640142891717276374338109440, 'tanodb@', [<<"key-5">>]}, {91343852333181432387730302044767688728495783936, 'tanodb@', [<<"key-2">>]}, {730750818665451459101842416358141509827966271488, 'tanodb@', [<<"key-9">>]}, {159851741583067506678528028578343455274867621888, 'tanodb@', [<<"key-8">>]}, {182687704666362864775460604089535377456991567872, 'tanodb@', [<<"key-8">>]}, {844930634081928249586505293914101120738586001408, 'tanodb@', [<<"key-5">>]}, {867766597165223607683437869425293042920709947392, 'tanodb@', [<<"key-3">>]}, {890602560248518965780370444936484965102833893376, 'tanodb@', [<<"key-3">>]}, {1050454301831586472458898473514828420377701515264, 'tanodb@', [<<"key-6">>]}, {913438523331814323877303020447676887284957839360, 'tanodb@', [<<"key-3">>]}, {1118962191081472546749696200048404186924073353216, 'tanodb@', [<<"key-7">>,<<"key-1">>]}, {1164634117248063262943561351070788031288321245184, 'tanodb@', [<<"key-7">>]}, {1027618338748291114361965898003636498195577569280, 'tanodb@', [<<"key-"...>>]}, {1096126227998177188652763624537212264741949407232, 'tanodb@', [<<...>>]}, {1073290264914881830555831049026020342559825461248, 'tanodb@', [...]}, {1141798154164767904846628775559596109106197299200, 'tanodb@',...}]