class: center, middle # A Tour Through the Distributed System Zoo Mariano Guerra [@warianoguerra]( []( [@instadeq]( Code BEAM San Francisco 2018 ??? Keys: * p presentation mode * c new presentation window --- class: center, middle # Tried many ideas --- class: center  --- class: center  --- background-image: url(imgs/evolution.jpg) --- class: center  --- class: center # Disclaimer Bad Analogies Ahead An attempt to map the territory A RFC --- class: center # The story so far
Single organism operating on private data [Source]( --- class: center  In 1978 Leslie Lamport tried to make two organisms agree on a value. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move. --- # Strong Consensus Group Cluster: * Viewstamped Replication (1988) * Paxos (1989) * ZAB (2011) * Raft (2014) Internet Scale: * DLT/Blockchain (2008) + (PoW, PoS, PoET) + [Bitcoin's Academic Pedigree]( --- # Core Idea Shared serialized operation log Agreeing on shared state All members must apply ops in same order Temporary leaders --- # Each Member Data: All Network View Cluster: Full Network View DLT: Partial --- # Tradeoff Consistency over Scalability --- # DLT/Blockchain Tradeoff * Temporary "Race Conditions" --- # Natural Predator * Byzantine Attack * Sybil Attack --- # DLT/Blockchain Predator Defences * PoW + Energy Usage --- # On Member Join Data: Sync --- # On Member Leave Data: No Change If it was leader: Leader Election --- # Known Specimens * Zookeeper (ZAB) * Raft (Raft) + [Elixir Implementation]( * [riak_ensemble]( (Multi Paxos) * Bitcoin + [Arweave]( + [aeternity/elixir-node]( --- class: center background-image: url(imgs/intermission.png) # Nature Intermission --- class: center
[Source]( ??? The first tells the ant that when it feels other ants walking on its back, it should freeze. “As long as someone walks over you, you stay put,” Garnier said. This same process repeats in the other ants: They step over the first ant, but — uh-oh — the gap is still there, so the next ant in line slows, gets trampled and freezes in place. In this way, the ants build a bridge long enough to span whatever gap is in front of them. The trailing ants in the colony then walk over it. There’s more to it than that, though. Bridges involve trade-offs. Imagine a colony of ants comes to a V-shaped gap in its path. The colony doesn’t want to go all the way around the gap — that would take too long — but it also doesn’t build a bridge across the widest part of the gap that would minimize how far the colony has to travel. The fact that army ants don’t always build the distance-minimizing bridge suggests there’s some other factor in their unconscious calculation. --- class: center
[Source]( ??? The ant colony algorithm is an algorithm for finding optimal paths that is based on the behavior of ants searching for food. At first, the ants wander randomly. When an ant finds a source of food, it walks back to the colony leaving "markers" (pheromones) that show the path has food. When other ants come across the markers, they are likely to follow the path with a certain probability. If they do, they then populate the path with their own markers as they bring the food back. As more ants find the path, it gets stronger until there are a couple streams of ants traveling to various food sources near the colony. Because the ants drop pheromones every time they bring food, shorter paths are more likely to be stronger, hence optimizing the "solution." In the meantime, some ants are still randomly scouting for closer food sources. A similar approach can be used find near-optimal solution to the traveling salesman problem. Once the food source is depleted, the route is no longer populated with pheromones and slowly decays. Because the ant-colony works on a very dynamic system, the ant colony algorithm works very well in graphs with changing topologies. Examples of such systems include computer networks, and artificial intelligence simulations of workers. --- # Commutative Consensus Group Cluster/Internet Scale: * Operational Transformations (1989) * CRDTs (2011) * Lasp (2015) --- # Core Idea Eventually but deterministically converging to the same shared view Achieved by restricting operations to allow applying them in any order (commutativity) Can gossip and scale more than consensus Distant relatives that evolved under different constraints DLT is a recent shared specimen since it accepts temporal divergence to scale --- # Each Member Data: All* Network View: Partial or Full ??? Lasp has Configurable backends for peer service --- # Tradeoff Scalability over Consistency --- # Natural Predator AWS bills --- # On Member Join Data: Sync --- # On Member Leave Data: No Change --- # Known Specimens * [Lasp]( + [Lasp CRDTs]( * [automerge]( --- class: center background-image: url(imgs/intermission.png) # Nature Intermission --- class: center
[Source]( --- # Router Group Cluster: * Shard/Load Balance * Dynamo (2007) * Orleans (2010) Internet Scale: * Chord (2001) + CAN, Tapestry, Pastry --- # Core Idea Consistent hashing 0/Log N hop routing table Different members handle different parts of the problem space --- # Each Member Data: Partial View Network View Cluster: Full Network View DHT: Partial --- # Tradeoff Scalability over Consistency --- # Natural Predator  [Source]( --- # On Member Join Data: Migration of a "slice" --- # On Member Leave Data: Subset may be lost Solved with replication (A new set of problems) --- # Known Specimens * [Riak]( KV on top of dynamo [riak_core]( * [Orleans]( + [erleans]( --- class: center background-image: url(imgs/intermission.png) # Nature Intermission --- class: center
[Source]( ??? When presented with oat flakes arranged in the pattern of Japanese cities around Tokyo, brainless, single-celled slime molds construct networks of nutrient-channeling tubes that are strikingly similar to the layout of the Japanese rail system --- background-image: url(imgs/flock-bird-800.jpg) --- class: center
[Source]( --- class: center, middle # Thanks Mariano Guerra [@warianoguerra]( []( [@instadeq](