Riak Core Security¶
riak_core_security is a module in riak_core that provides facilities to implement user/group management, authentication and authorization.
Here we will see an overview of it.
riak_core_security is implemented on top of riak_core_metadata, it uses the following keys to store its information:
{<<"security">>, <<"users">>}
{<<"security">>, <<"groups">>}
{<<"security">>, <<"sources">>}
{<<"security">>, <<"usergrants">>}
{<<"security">>, <<"groupgrants">>}
{<<"security">>, <<"status">>} -> enabled
{<<"security">>, <<"config">>} -> ciphers
How they are stored should be an implementation detail but sometimes you may need to fold over values to get information if it’s not supported by riak_core_security’s API.
Opaque information you get back from authentication, you have to pass it back in to other operations.
At the moment it’s a record with three fields:
- username
- grants
- epoch
But notice that this is an implementation detail and you should handle it as an opaque value.
Contexts are only valid until the GRANT epoch changes, and it will change whenever a GRANT or a REVOKE is performed. This rule may change in the future.
A string that represents some action in a given application, for example tanodb.get, tanodb.put.
A permission muy be listed as valid in the environment variable {riak_core, permissions}:
(tanodb@> application:get_env(riak_core, permissions).
{ok,[{riak_core,[get_bucket,set_bucket,get_bucket_type, set_bucket_type]}]}
You can list your permissions in config/advanced.config uncommenting the line:
% {permissions, [{ tanodb, [put, get, list, grant, delete]}]}
And changing the permissions inside the list.
tanodb is the name of your app
Something you assign permissions to, it can be a user or a group, there are some reserved roles:
- all
- on
- to
- from
- any
The source where the user is authenticating, it can be an IP or something else, you can allow a user to authenticate from a source but not another.
Extra Features¶
- Certificate Authentication
- Pluggable Authentication
API Overview¶
% Check a Global permission, one that is not tied to a bucket
check_permission({Permission}, Context)
% Check a permission for a specific bucket
check_permission({Permission, Bucket}, Context)
% Check that all permissions are valid
check_permissions(List, Ctx)
% return username from context
If successful it will return {ok, Context}
A username can be tied to specific sources from which he can login, if you don’t need this feature specify a generic source for all your users.
authenticate(Username, Password, ConnInfo)
Valid options:
- password
- groups: groups must be a string with comma separated groups, like “g1,g2”
add_user(Username, Options)
Options passed will override options already in user’s details, this means if you pass a password it will be changed, if you pass groups the new groups will be set and the old removed.
alter_user(Username, Options)
Options passed will override options already in groups’s details, if you pass groups the new groups will be set and the old removed.
alter_group(Groupname, Options)
Add Grants to RoleList on Bucket, RoleList can be the atom all to assign Grants to all roles in that Bucket.
Bucket can be a binary to assign to the whole bucket or {binary(), binary()}, to assign to a key in the bucket.
The call will merge previous grants with the new ones.
add_grant(RoleList, Bucket, Grants)
Revoke Grants to RoleList on Bucket, RoleList can be the atom all to revoke Grants to all roles in that Bucket.
add_revoke(RoleList, Bucket, Revokes)
Users is a list of users or the atom all to apply to all users. CIDR is a tuple with an IP address and a mask in bits. Source is an atom:
- trust: no password required
- password: password authentication
- certificate: certificate authentication
- Atom: Atom will be used as a custom authentication module, on auth Atom will be looked up on the env key {riak_core, auth_mods} if found the returned value will be used as a module to call AuthMod:auth(Username, Password, UserData, SourceOptions)
Options are options for the source that will be passed during auth
add_source(Users, CIDR, Source, Options)
Example calls:
riak_core_security:add_source(all, {{127, 0, 0, 1}, 32}, trust, [])
riak_core_security:add_source(all, {{127, 0, 0, 1}, 32}, password, [])
Delete source identified by CIDR for Users, Users can be the atom all to remove the source from all users. This won’t apply to sources added for each users, only if the source was added explicitly for the all atom.
del_source(Users, CIDR)
Returns an atom representing the status of riak_core_security:
- enabled
- enabled_but_no_capability
- disabled
Playing in the REPL¶
First we will need to uncomment the permissions for our app in config/advanced.config
Then we build again and run it:
rebar3 release
rebar3 run
First let’s setup some variables
(tanodb@> User1 = <<"sandy">>.
(tanodb@> Pass1 = <<"secret">>.
(tanodb@> ConnInfo = [{ip, {127, 0, 0, 1}}].
(tanodb@> Source1 = {{127, 0, 0, 1}, 32}.
(tanodb@> Bucket1 = <<"bucket_sandy">>.
(tanodb@> PermGet = "tanodb.get".
(tanodb@> PermPut = "tanodb.put".
(tanodb@> PermList = "tanodb.list".
(tanodb@> GroupWriter = <<"writers">>.
(tanodb@> GroupReader = <<"readers">>.
We didn’t add the user yet, so the following should fail
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:authenticate(User1, Pass1, ConnInfo).
Let’s add the user
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:add_user(User1, [{"password", binary_to_list(Pass1)}]).
Adding it twice should fail
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:add_user(User1, [{"password", binary_to_list(Pass1)}]).
We didn’t add the source for the user so the following should fail
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:authenticate(User1, Pass1, ConnInfo).
Add a local source that requires password for all users
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:add_source(all, Source1, password, []).
Now it should work
(tanodb@> {ok, Ctx1} = riak_core_security:authenticate(User1, Pass1, ConnInfo).
Checking permissions should fail, since we didn’t granted any permissions yet
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:check_permission({PermGet, Bucket1}, Ctx1).
{false,<<"Permission denied: User 'sandy' does not have 'tanodb.get' on bucket_sandy">>,
Let’s grant PermGet to User1
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:add_grant([User1], Bucket1, [PermGet]).
And try again
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:check_permission({PermGet, Bucket1}, Ctx1).
Create some groups, each group belongs to the previous one
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:add_group(GroupReader, []).
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:add_group(GroupWriter, [{"groups", [GroupReader]}]).
Let’s grant permissions to each group
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:add_grant([GroupReader], Bucket1, [PermGet]).
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:add_grant([GroupWriter], Bucket1, [PermPut]).
Now let’s join User1 to some groups and try permissions
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:alter_user(User1, [{"groups", [GroupReader]}]).
We can see User1 is a member of the group
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:print_user(User1).
| username | member of | password | options |
| sandy | readers |9c8984b176e07eb7ba9ff1e3ada5a43ecb8a812e| [] |
She can do PermGet on Bucket1, but she could before since she has the permission explicitly set
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:check_permission({PermGet, Bucket1}, Ctx1).
Let’s revoke it
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:add_revoke([User1], Bucket1, [PermGet]).
Still can
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:check_permission({PermGet, Bucket1}, Ctx1).
But can’t put on that bucket
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:check_permission({PermPut, Bucket1}, Ctx1).
{false,<<"Permission denied: User 'sandy' does not have 'tanodb.put' on bucket_sandy">>,
Now let’s join User1 to some groups and try permissions
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:alter_user(User1, [{"groups", [GroupWriter]}]).
We can see User1 is a member of the group, but no more of GroupReader
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:print_user(User1).
| username | member of | password | options |
| sandy | writers |9c8984b176e07eb7ba9ff1e3ada5a43ecb8a812e| [] |
User1 can now put on that bucket
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:check_permission({PermPut, Bucket1}, Ctx1).
Still can get since GroupWriter is member of the group GroupReader
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:check_permission({PermGet, Bucket1}, Ctx1).
Now let’s add a new grant to GroupReader so they can list the bucket
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:add_grant([GroupReader], Bucket1, [PermList]).
Now User1 has the list permission since she is a member of GroupWriter which is a member of GroupReader who has permissions to list Bucket1
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:check_permission({PermList, Bucket1}, Ctx1).
Let’s remove GroupReader membership from GroupWriter
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:alter_group(GroupWriter, [{"groups", []}]).
Now User1 can’t list on Bucket1 anymore
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:check_permission({PermList, Bucket1}, Ctx1).
{false,<<"Permission denied: User 'sandy' does not have 'tanodb.list' on bucket_sandy">>,
Let’s try one more thing, add GroupWriter to GroupReader
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:alter_group(GroupWriter, [{"groups", [GroupReader]}]).
This works again
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:check_permission({PermList, Bucket1}, Ctx1).
Let’s now remove GroupReader completely
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:del_group(GroupReader).
This should fail again
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:check_permission({PermList, Bucket1}, Ctx1).
{false,<<"Permission denied: User 'sandy' does not have 'tanodb.list' on bucket_sandy">>,
Let’s clean everything up
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:del_group(GroupWriter).
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:del_user(User1).
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:del_source(all, Source1).
If you want to retry from scratch removing all state you can do the following:
rm -rf _build/default/rel
rebar3 release
rebar3 run
API Gotchas¶
Groups Value is a CSV¶
If you want to create a user that is member a more than one group at the same time in the same add_user call you have to pass a string with comma separated names of the groups the user is going to be member of, like this:
riak_core_security:add_user(User1, [{"password", binary_to_list(Pass1)}, {"groups", "readers,writers"}]).
Prefixing Users and Groups to avoid Potential Conflict¶
Since there’s only one function to add grants and there’s no restriction on usernames or groupnames it may happen that there’s a group and a user with the same name, if this is the case then we get an error back saying that there are duplicated roles, this means riak_core doesn’t know if you want to add the grant to the user or the group.
Let’s try it, this assumes you have a clean state on riak_core_security and that you uncommented the permissions section in advanced.config for this app:
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:add_user(<<"admin">>, [{"password", "secret"}]).
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:add_group(<<"admin">>, []).
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:add_grant([<<"admin">>], {<<"bucket">>, <<"key">>}, ["tanodb.get"]).
As you can see we got the duplcate_roles error.
To solve this ambiguity we can prefix the role with the type of it, let’s try it:
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:add_grant([<<"group/admin">>], {<<"bucket">>, <<"key">>}, ["tanodb.get"]).
(tanodb@> riak_core_security:add_grant([<<"user/admin">>], {<<"bucket">>, <<"key">>}, ["tanodb.put"]).
Now we assigned tanodb.get to the admin group and tanodb.put to the admin user.