Metrics ======= API Metrics ----------- Since this is meant to be a production system we can't be far along until we add metrics, for this we will use `exometer `_ which is already a dependency of riak_core so we don't need to add it. We start by defining a `module named tanodb_metrics `_. The main functions we care about are : `init/0 `_ which will initialize all the metrics when the app starts, we will add more metrics here as we add more features. `core_ping/0 `_ should be called to register metrics about calls to `tanodb:ping/0 `_ `all/0 `_ returns the current status of all metrics. To make the metrics actually work we need to call `tanodb_metrics:init/0 `_ when we start the application and `tanodb_metrics:core_ping/0 `_ each time tanodb:ping/0 is called. Test It ....... Stop, build a release and run the server (I won't tell you how from now on, check previous chapters to see how). On the server shell run: .. code-block:: erlang (tanodb@> tanodb_metrics:all(). [{tanodb,[ ... {core,[{ping,[{count,0},{one,0}]}]}] (tanodb@> tanodb:ping(). {pong,593735040165679310520246963290989976735222595584} (tanodb@> tanodb_metrics:all(). [{tanodb,[ ... {core,[{ping,[{count,1},{one,1}]}]}] (tanodb@> The `...` are there to skip a lot of metrics about riak_core itself that are quite useful but not important at this point. Let's see the shell session step by step, first we call tanodb_metrics:all() and get the core ping metrics, in this case count and one are 0 since we didn't call ping yet. .. code-block:: erlang (tanodb@> tanodb_metrics:all(). [{tanodb,[ ... {core,[{ping,[{count,0},{one,0}]}]}] Then we call ping once. .. code-block:: erlang (tanodb@> tanodb:ping(). {pong,593735040165679310520246963290989976735222595584} And ask for the metrics again, we can see that now it registered our call. .. code-block:: erlang (tanodb@> tanodb_metrics:all(). [{tanodb,[ ... {core,[{ping,[{count,1},{one,1}]}]}] Erlang Runtime Metrics ---------------------- Until now we have metrics for riak_core and for our API, it would be useful to have some metrics about the Erlang Runtime, like memory, GC, processes, schedulers etc. For that we will use a really nice library called `recon `_ which unified all the information gathering behind a nice API. We start by `adding recon as a dependency `_, then we `create the function tanodb_metrics:node_stats/0 `_ and add it to `tanodb_metrics:all/0 `_. Test it ....... Stop, build a release and run. In the shell run: .. code-block:: erlang (tanodb@> tanodb_metrics:all(). [{tanodb,[ ... {node,[{abs,[{process_count,377}, {run_queue,0}, {error_logger_queue_len,0}, {memory_total,30418240}, {memory_procs,11745496}, {memory_atoms,458994}, {memory_bin,232112}, {memory_ets,1470872}]}, {inc,[{bytes_in,11737}, {bytes_out,2470}, {gc_count,7}, {gc_words_reclaimed,29948}, {reductions,2601390}, {scheduler_usage,[{1,0.9291112866248371}, {2,0.04754016011809648}, {3,0.04615958261183974}, {4,0.03682005933534583}]}]}]}, {core,[{ping,[{count,0},{one,0}]}]}] The metrics should be self explanatory, check `the recon documentation `_ for details. Web Server Metrics (Cowboy) --------------------------- We will start with some generic web server metrics, you can add specific ones with what you have learned in this chapter and by reading `the exometer docs `_. For the generic metrics we will use `cowboy_exometer `_ which is a module I just wrote since it was quite generic :) We start by adding the `cowboy_exometer dependency `_, this module exposes a middleware and a response hook to register metrics on all requests, for that we need to `initialize it providing the endpoints we care about `_ and when we want to collect the metrics we `call cowboy_exometer:stats/1 passing the same endpoints we passed on init `_. Finally we need to tell cowboy that we will `add a middleware and a response hook `_. Test it ....... After all of this, stop, build, run and make some requests: .. code-block:: sh http localhost:8080/ping .. raw:: latex \newpage and then on the node shell ask for the metrics: .. code-block:: erlang (tanodb@> tanodb_metrics:all(). [{tanodb,[ ... {http,[{resp,[{by_code,[{200,[{count,1},{one,1}]}, {201,[{count,0},{one,0}]}, {202,[{count,0},{one,0}]}, {203,[{count,0},{one,0}]}, {204,[{count,0},{one,0}]}, {205,[{count,0},{one,0}]}, {206,[{count,0},{one,0}]}, {300,[{count,0},{one,0}]}, {301,[{count,0},{one,0}]}, {302,[{count,0},{one,0}]}, {303,[{count,0},{one,0}]}, {304,[{count,0},{one,0}]}, {305,[{count,0},{one,0}]}, {306,[{count,0},{one,...}]}, {307,[{count,...},{...}]}, {308,[{...}|...]}, {400,[...]}, {401,...}, {...}|...]}]}, {req,[{time,[{<<"ping">>, [{n,3}, {mean,44126}, {min,44126}, {max,44126}, {median,44126}, {50,0}, {75,44126}, {90,44126}, {95,44126}, {99,44126}, {999,44126}]}]}, {active,[{value,0},{ms_since_reset,11546}]}, {count,[{<<"ping">>,[{count,1},{one,1}]}]}]}]}, {node,[{abs,[{process_count,428}, {run_queue,0}, {error_logger_queue_len,0}, {memory_total,50301760}, {memory_procs,30854096}, {memory_atoms,471201}, {memory_bin,222648}, {memory_ets,1574728}]}, {inc,[{bytes_in,11737}, {bytes_out,2470}, {gc_count,6}, {gc_words_reclaimed,29747}, {reductions,2848780}, {scheduler_usage,[{1,0.05329944038387727}, {2,0.8991375098414373}, {3,0.03932163131802264}, {4,0.05719991628720056}]}]}]}, {core,[{ping,[{count,1},{one,1}]}]}] You can see on this line that I made one request to ping and it returned 200: .. code-block:: erlang {http,[{resp,[{by_code,[{200,[{count,1},{one,1}]}, You can also see request time stats per endpoint: .. code-block:: erlang {req,[{time,[{<<"ping">>, [{n,3}, {mean,44126}, {min,44126}, {max,44126}, {median,44126}, {50,0}, {75,44126}, {90,44126}, {95,44126}, {99,44126}, {999,44126}]}]}, And request count by endpoint: .. code-block:: erlang {count,[{<<"ping">>,[{count,1},{one,1}]}]}]}]}, Exposing Metrics as a REST resource ................................... This one will be simple, first we `add the route to cowboy `_ then `add the metrics endpoint to the list of endpoints we want to collect metrics `_ (metricception) and finally `we implement the cowboy handler to return the json `_. Test it ::::::: Stop, build, start and make some requests: .. code-block:: sh http localhost:8080/ping And then make a request for the metrics (result edited since it's quite big): .. code-block:: sh $ http localhost:8080/metrics .. code-block:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK content-length: 8079 content-type: application/json date: Fri, 30 Oct 2015 10:39:27 GMT server: Cowboy { "core": { "ping": { "count": 2, "one": 1 } }, "http": { "req": { "active": { "ms_since_reset": 279958, "value": 1 }, "count": { "metrics": { "count": 1, "one": 0 }, "ping": { "count": 2, "one": 1 } }, "time": { "metrics": { "50": 0, "75": 0, "90": 0, "95": 0, "99": 0, "999": 0, "max": 0, "mean": 0, "median": 0, "min": 0, "n": 0 }, "ping": { "50": 0, "75": 349, "90": 349, "95": 349, "99": 349, "999": 349, "max": 349, "mean": 349, "median": 349, "min": 349, "n": 3 } } }, "resp": { "by_code": { "200": { "count": 3, "one": 1 }, "201": { "count": 0, "one": 0 }, ... "400": { "count": 0, "one": 0 }, "401": { "count": 0, "one": 0 }, ... "404": { "count": 0, "one": 0 }, ... "500": { "count": 0, "one": 0 }, ... } } }, "node": { "abs": { "error_logger_queue_len": 0, "memory_atoms": 471362, "memory_bin": 224392, "memory_ets": 1579592, "memory_procs": 31886248, "memory_total": 51342840, "process_count": 432, "run_queue": 0 }, "inc": { "bytes_in": 0, "bytes_out": 0, "gc_count": 2, "gc_words_reclaimed": 6624, "reductions": 695770, "scheduler_usage": { "1": 0.16108125753314584, "2": 0.5187896583972728, "3": 0.18046079477682214, "4": 0.15292436095407036 } } }, "tanodb": { ... } }