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Nilesh Trivedi 2023-04-03 12:35:58

I built this command-line bot that perform complex online tasks using both browser and APIs of cloud-services:

It's built with GPT-3.5-Turbo, Puppeteer and ActivePieces.

Mariano Guerra 2023-04-04 10:49:24

New interactive WebAssembly binary inspector:

  • Hex view at the top

  • Byte meaning on hover

  • Byte format options: hex, dec, oct, bin

  • Select byte to focus "Slice" at the bottom with binary format syntax tree

  • Outline tree view in second tab

🐦 Mariano Guerra: New @WasmGroundUp interactive #WebAssembly binary inspector:

  • Hex view at the top
  • Byte meaning on hover
  • Byte format options: hex, dec, oct, bin
  • Select byte to focus "Slice" at the bottom with binary format syntax tree
  • Outline tree view in second tab

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Lu Wilson 2023-04-09 11:07:08

Hi all, I am unhappy to announce the un-launch of DreamBerd back into beta .

Also introducing some new features like immutable data, significant whitespace, and lifetimes!

Read the full release notes here:

Paul Tarvydas 2023-04-09 12:05:20

Strings with the same symbol at the front and the back are so 1950s ASCII-think. PEG, unlike 1950s CFG ideas, can recursively match brackets more easily if the front and back symbols are different (e.g. unicode, at the very least).

Lu Wilson 2023-04-09 12:06:20

That's a great point, thanks. I'll raise an issue.