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Jason Morris 2023-02-03 18:11:32

Spending most of this week taking tree-structured explanations, and generating something approximating a series of paragraphs, then annotating them with cross references like a graph for navigation purposes. The result is persuasive for my target audience. An explanation that they can read and understand and navigated easily is a big deal for demonstration purposes. But I am hating it, because it is technologically trivial. Any tips for getting through the slog of actually doing the thing that is time consuming, valuable, but uninspiring?

Jason Morris 2023-02-03 18:18:05

Just listened to the magic ink episode of the podcast, and I feel like I'm being a stereotypical programmer, not really caring about how the information is displayed. I intellectually see the value. I just couldn't be arsed.

Jason Morris 2023-02-03 18:14:03

Also, if anyone has any examples of an interface that uses an auto-fill to let you select a prototype statement, then let's you fill in the blanks in that prototype, I am looking for UI inspiration.