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Mariano Guerra 2023-01-03 09:47:46
Mariano Guerra 2023-01-03 09:49:13

OurPaint is a new paint program that uses programmable brushes using a visual language. Node-based visual programming/editing environments are quite fascinating to me, as they provide immediate feedback, make structures tangible (as opposed to text), and can be picked up quickly.

🐦 Sébastien Pierre: OurPaint is a new paint program that uses programmable brushes using a visual language. Node-based visual programming/editing environments are quite fascinating to me, as they provide immediate feedback, make structures tangible (as opposed to text), and can be picked up quickly.

πŸ“· 1200x819px image

πŸ“· 1200x755px image

🐦 Our Paint 0.1 is released for Linux! Yay!

Download at

Borderless canvas, nodes brushes, color management, wacom support, and more!

(I have no idea if it runs on your machine, but there's an AppImage if anyone wants to try, otherwise you can compile)

Nilesh Trivedi 2023-01-03 14:27:40
Kartik Agaram 2023-01-04 19:46:29

Thanks @Nicolae Rusan for sponsoring this.

Alex Cruise 2023-01-03 20:33:21

I wonder if any of you will have better luck than me tracking this down: (warning: I’m usually pretty good at googling, and I’ve found nothing)

🐦 alex tax1a - 2020 (2) (copy) πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈπŸ³: does anyone remember a classic mac programming environment called CAUSE? we remember it called its runtime EFFECT and you could include EFFECT with your code so as to have a "regular app".

as you might imagine, searching this is impossible

but we remember the software, manuals

Lu Wilson 2023-01-03 22:58:17

Hey all if you haven't been following along with Dave Ackley's quest to make artificial life, he's finally done it! The project is incredible. His goal is to construct an entirely new computational stack that is:

  • robust-first
  • indefinitely-scalable
  • non-deterministic
  • programmed with spatial-programming

The whole thing is a massive inspiration to me and I would have never got into the world of computing without it! Maybe it'll inspire you too.

And this week, he finally produced a self-replicating 'cell'. I found it oddly emotional to see the project get to this milestone! Anyway, happy new year!

Lu Wilson 2023-01-03 23:09:54

speaking of which... I think it would be great to have dave on the podcast at some point... take my vote βœ‹ Ivan Reese πŸ‘€

Ivan Reese 2023-01-04 17:34:26

(Tangent β€” I had actually scheduled an interview with Dave for the show ! But this was in the pandemic turmoil period where I ended up putting the podcast on hiatus because doing interviews was too stressful. So now the show is back in a much more manageable format thanks to Jimmy Miller, but having guests on the show still presents all the same downsides as before, so it remains to be seen what we'll do. It's something I'd like to do once in a while, and Dave would be fantastic , I agree!)

Duncan Cragg 2023-01-03 23:39:58

What do y'all make of this: ?

Duncan Cragg 2023-01-03 23:42:24

πŸ“ Projects

Srini K 2023-01-04 04:10:53

I’ve enjoyed following this! IIRC some of this was kicked off by the Handmade Hero streams by Casey.

Not that you asked, but the FoC POV (if I had to guess) is more that we should reinvent programming (esp to support expressive use by more people!). I love the Handmade network ethos, but my understanding is that it’s more about building existing things for programmers (like CLI’s or IDE’s) from scratch, β€œby hand”, etc

Jarno Montonen 2023-01-04 10:26:01

I've followed a bit of Casey's stuff and quite a bit of Jonathan Blow's (author of games Braid and Witness as well as the Jai programming language) stuff who also deeply shares the same ethos of current-state-of-software-is-rubbish-because-of-massive-accidental-complexity-due-to-excessive-abstraction-and-reuse. If you want an introduction to the 'ethos', this should help:

Blow is clearly an extremely productive developer, but does thing completely differently from what is the norm in the wider software industry or academia so I would recommend any programmer to take a look to get another perspective on programming.

Jack Rusher 2023-01-04 07:18:10

Loads of good FOC stuff here:

Jimmy Miller 2023-01-04 15:57:41

@Ryan Robitaille

Konrad Hinsen 2023-01-04 16:10:35

It's a pity I can't read most of the text in this demo when playing the video on my 13" laptop screen. But even without the details, it's very impressive!

Coming from my current Smalltalk-dominated point of view, I recognize the "textual code in-the-small" approach, but with a different structure in-the-large. Whereas a Smalltalk image is a database of code, a Data Rabbit canvas is a graph with code in the nodes and data in the edges.

Makes me wonder: how large is the set of useful large-scale structures for information processing systems? Is it combinations of a small number of primitives, or a large number of non-decomposable structures?

Kartik Agaram 2023-01-04 18:42:48

This reminds me (in a very good way) of Casey Muratori's Moustache demo: I particularly appreciate that it's only 25 minutes.

πŸŽ₯ Moustache Demo

Jack Rusher 2023-01-05 07:55:59

Konrad Hinsen I'd like to read you expanding on your wondering there, fleshing out the question with some exploration πŸ™‚

Konrad Hinsen 2023-01-05 21:00:11

Sure... Let me think about it... and start a thread in #thinking-together tomorrow!

Nilesh Trivedi 2023-01-05 10:54:20

Berkeley's Snap! visual programming language goes far beyond the popular ones like Scratch!

It's got first-class lists and functions, procedures as data, continuations, APL-like hyperblocks / higher-order functions, converters to traditional languages like Javascript, Python, C etc, metaprogramming, object-oriented programming with inheritance/polymorphism, ability to access hardware and the Internet.

Shubhadeep Roychowdhury 2023-01-05 16:08:22

How to Get 1.5 TFlops of FP32 Performance on a Single M1 CPU Core -

Jimmy Miller 2023-01-05 21:28:10

Really interesting exploration of pattern matching, logic programming, and ink on cavas from Ink and Switch. Personally my favorite of the series so far.

William Taysom 2023-01-06 09:05:30

Example application with constraints on color and shape.

πŸ“· IMG_1383