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Jimmy Miller 2023-01-04 21:25:22

Been working on the foundation of my new editor. I set a goal this year to use a text editor I built my self for 10% of my development. So I'm starting with some new foundations.

The most frustrating part of the my previous experience was the compile/run cycle for adding new UI. This time I'm starting with an extension mechanism that is powerful enough for me to prototype features live. But also, I want to be able to integrate extensions I made into the core of the program as things solidify.

To that end, I've prototyped a little wasm extension mechanism. It is still early, but I can hot relaod code while keeping state. I can save state and rehydrate. I even have plans for being able to do some time travel debugging/snapshotting. Right now the extensions can just do simple drawings and respond to clicks, but the foundation is there and I'm excited for it.

Jason Morris 2023-01-05 09:05:38

This week I managed to release a new version for the first time in nearly two months. I took an unusual (for me) deliberate approach to testing my code as I expanded my date library into a datetime library, then added or modified about 15 blocks in the visual language, plus documentation and a new example. All so that I can say "within 72 hours of departure".

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