Chidi Williams 2022-09-28 19:57:08 Paul Tarvydas 2022-09-29 11:46:01 Tangential: Parsing the transcribed text would be a way to add programming actions to the text. Maybe /bin/audio-sh? My favourite parsing technology, ATM, is Ohm-JS. sells an audio/video editing/mixing-board tool based on textual editing (like, say, Logic, GarageBand, iMovie, Da Vinci Resolve, etc., but text-document-based). One could write a quickie parser that transpiles specific text phrases to /bin/bash scripts (or Python, or, ...).
Chris Knott 2022-09-29 18:58:52 Great little app. It's inspired me to have a play around with Whisper
Jim Meyer 2022-09-29 17:41:40 Multiplayer slider wars in Henosia 😊
All code changes are shared via multiplayer, but the Play/Interact action I use in the end only modifies the local canvas state in your own browser.
This is intentional. Other designers may need their design to be in a different state, e.g. with a dialog open they're designing.