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Shubhadeep Roychowdhury 2022-08-29 10:06:29

The state of Flow-based Programming -

Kartik Agaram 2022-08-30 15:55:56

Fantastic balanced summary. This quote stood out in particular:

Kafka is eating the world.

Nilesh Trivedi 2022-08-30 17:26:37

You can zoom into a subgraph to see more details, and zoom out to see a more high level picture

Just today, I implemented ability to collapse parent nodes:

And was thinking about how to auto-collapse a few nodes when zooming out. Would love to hear ideas on this.

Ryan Robitaille 2022-09-01 23:17:31

100% Agreed. Quality summary. As a guy who started his career in Data Eng/ETL it's hard to not look at most problems with a "Flowing" mindset (culminating partly in my Data Rabbit stuff, although it's only loosely FBP to hardcore FPBers).

I didn't realize that J Paul Morrison had passed. Bummer. I still remember those videos that Henri Bergius did with him during the early NoFlo days. RIP.

Steve Krouse 2022-08-31 16:33:17

🐦 Samuel Arbesman: I'm hosting an @interintellect_ salon in about a month to explore the idea of how to think about coding as magic!

Jean-Louis Villecroze 2022-09-02 14:53:16
Chris Knott 2022-09-02 16:29:22

Good article from @Maggie Appleton about a really interesting phenomenon

Chris Knott 2022-09-02 16:37:30

At work once there was a shared Excel spreadsheet which contained preallocated serial numbers to use (they didn't want to use sequential serial numbers but they had to be unique, so they were centrally allocated in blocks).

I used to take the serial numbers I needed from the folder for a sister team which was in a directory Z:\My Department\Sister Team\Serial Numbers ( my team's directory was Z:\My Department\My Team ).

This is where a colleague had told me to get the serial numbers from when I started.

One day there was an empty new folder next to the Excel file with path Z:\My Department\Sister Team\Serial Numbers\FUCK OFF {my team} YOU HAVE YOUR OWN SERIAL SPREADSHEET.

Who knew NTFS had a built in messaging service?

Jonathan Arnett 2022-09-03 01:58:22

Not sure if this has been linked before, but just finished (and enjoyed!) this 1994 CMU paper about the structure editors that were made for introductory programming classes (namely GNOME, MacGnome, and ACSE):

Includes some good insights for those creating structure editors.