Konrad Hinsen this might get a bit philosophical territory but maybe it is already so…
For the paper and this thread 🧵 are pointing into a similar direction. It tries (again) to better express the relationship between personal experience (consciousness) and shared experience.
The ever tempting question: can experience be shared? Can commutation happen?
I feel reminded of the chapter/part in the GEB Book were hofstaedter explains the difficulties with translations from one natural language into another.
Regarding mathematics and programming being a practice of that, it seems so tempting to say it allows for “clear” expression of certain things and thus collaboration or a shared experience should be simple or at least easier.
But in reality this is not always or at least not overwhelming the case. Because you can solve a problem in mathematics in different ways there is no “mathematical” reason on why to solve a problem in this way or another.
When reading about the experiences of mathematicians like Grotendieck or Gödel, at least for me it became clear how much they rely on their intuition.
In Daoism there is the Book of the Tao Te Jing, the first line reads: the DAO which can be explained is not the real DAO.
Frustrating as it may be I do think that this is a deep truth and very much connected to what is talked here (paper the problem of representation etc..) about.