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Peter Saxton 2022-08-09 18:22:48

Good evening, I've added concurrency to my interpreted runtime. I have previously been compiling to JS and using FFI to a layer underneath for my universal apps. but that was not giving enough control.

🔗 Week 32

Tony Worm 2022-08-10 02:01:06

what style of concurrency did you use? CSP, memsharing, something else?

Peter Saxton 2022-08-10 09:49:50

it's concurrent not parrallel so I just iterate in each message sent in a loop

yeT 2022-08-11 23:26:56

A quick video explanation of the tool Jake and I built

yeT 2022-08-11 23:30:59

‘imperfections of p5’ was for a different feature being connecting two blocks to themselves and the amount of time they take to even out, not for the not blocks hooked to themselves, first time upload nerves

dustin 2022-08-11 23:52:57

ooof. this is very neat. Could I share this as inspiration to my coworkers at browser co?

dustin 2022-08-11 23:53:01

(totally fine if not, too)

yeT 2022-08-11 23:54:39

for sure! would love to see more stuff like this around the web

William Taysom 2022-08-12 03:05:07

Blanks make sounds quieter?

yeT 2022-08-12 03:05:50

the value of an element is the average of the elements attached to it, and because a blank is a zero, it dims the values of the elements its attached ti