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Kartik Agaram 2022-06-01 00:24:10

Has anyone here encountered before? They seem to have a little visual programming language: After an initial conversation I'm considering applying for roles there..

Ivan Lugo 2022-06-01 00:32:14

I'll apply if you do too. I'm fully convinced the only way I'll break out of this mobile-dev-recruiting-hell is forcing my way into something I actually love the idea of. Their values seem like they'd be willing to talk to engineers that have the drive but not yet the experience.. maybe..

William Taysom 2022-06-01 01:49:48

Yes! I they've been making progress. I should take a look again.

Nick Smith 2022-06-01 01:57:43

If you join, will you burn their nodes-and-wires metaphor to the ground? 🔥 We can do better than that.

Ivan Reese 2022-06-01 02:54:22

There's some stuff in here that's actually pretty good. It's live, it gives you realtime feedback about CPU and network usage, it visualizes execution by flashing subgraphs, the docs are written in a very approachable style and nicely illustrated, the nodes/wires are styled to look good within the context of cartoony game graphics, the coding and execution happen in the same physical space (and likely are manipulable using the same tools), and the actual program semantics seem to have some good thought put into their design (at least as far as I can tell from a brief skim) especially given the always-networked context.

Yeah, nodes for basic conditional logic and math operators suck significantly and need richer alternatives. I can't forgive that. But there's definitely some stuff in here that's on par with the state of the art.

Ivan Lugo 2022-06-01 02:55:26

realtime feedback about CPU and network usage

The wire/heat thing is such a great visual way to enforce the idea of “heavy code paths” I love it

Ivan Reese 2022-06-01 02:56:37

For more on Rec Room, see this issues thread (featuring one of the devs) in my codex:

Shubhadeep Roychowdhury 2022-06-01 03:40:17

The company seems really nice. But I did not see much roles that could fit me. Do you have any particular in mind Kartik Agaram? that you wanted to apply for?

Ivan Lugo 2022-06-01 03:40:45

I mean I’ll commit to learning Unity right now, today if this is a thing.

Kartik Agaram 2022-06-01 05:57:07

Shubhadeep Roychowdhury No I haven't actually looked at their careers page yet. Just ran into someone.

William Taysom 2022-06-01 10:37:16

I’m not a huge node-wire fan, but they don’t get as easily tangled in 3D as 2D. (Obviously real string gets tangled plenty easy, so we’re removing solidity as a constraint.)

Orion Reed 2022-06-01 12:57:21

@William Taysom speaking of untangling strings, there are some nice new approaches such as this paper on Repulsive Curves, similar in spirit to force directed graphs but operating on graph edges.

Jack Rusher 2022-06-01 13:14:42

Re: Orion Reed's link there, if you aren't following the research coming out of Keenan Crane's lab, you're missing out!

Orion Reed 2022-06-01 13:27:36

^ absolutely! Here's a link for those interested.

William Taysom 2022-06-01 14:30:17

Clearly missing out!

Jason Morris 2022-06-01 15:38:22

That makes two genuinely 3D programming environments I'm aware of, after Redstone.

Ivan Reese 2022-06-01 03:15:27

I like the :amiga-tick: because it's like saying "yes" with a rainbow.

I have no awareness of Amiga. That was before my time, and I'm one of those annoying Apple apologist-fanboys who actually used HyperCard as a kid so I have a good excuse, but still any consumer computer from the 80s (Amiga was the 80s, right?) that's not an Apple is trash, hai!

So, people who know the Amiga, am I signalling any weird lack of taste or corniness or, gasp, the converse, by using :amiga-tick: when what I really want is just a "yes" with a rainbow?

Maikel van de Lisdonk 2022-06-01 06:30:59

I had an amiga in the early 90's, but weirdly enough I dont associate :amiga-tick: with amiga at all... probably because I was more of a commodore 64 guy , unfortunately there's no "c-64 tick".. because I would use the that myself😁

William Taysom 2022-06-01 08:27:04

Get yourself a copy of Deluxe Paint II, and we’ll accept you as one of our own.

Jack Rusher 2022-06-01 13:16:50

DMCS was 🔥 in the mid-80s!

Evan Payne 2022-06-01 13:43:22

I believe the expression is, "You do you". 💃

Jason Morris 2022-06-01 15:46:36

I learned to code on a Vic-20. If it had a logo, I don't remember.

David Brooks 2022-06-01 16:26:26

Through the lens of nostalgia, the Amiga was a dreamscape; it opened the door to infinite possibilities in a way that nothing before had been able to. No worries at all with the rainbow check :thumbsup_all:

Ian Rumac 2022-06-02 20:24:35

I was born 19993 yet my first computer was actually an Amiga, it was so damn fun, still got boxes of floppies somewhere.

btw its been like 20 years, I still got a grudge against chessmaster since at that time it pulled some impossible moves to get out of some bad situations. cheating bastard.

Ian Rumac 2022-06-02 20:24:54

that rainbow checkmark hits me like a nostalgia trip!