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Mariano Guerra 2022-05-30 09:27:09

Augmenting Digital Sheet Music through Visual Analytics:

Music analysis tasks, such as structure identification and modulation detection, are tedious when performed manually due to the complexity of the common music notation (CMN). Fully automated analysis instead misses human intuition about relevance. Existing approaches use abstract data-driven visualizations to assist music analysis but lack a suitable connection to the CMN. Therefore, music analysts often prefer to remain in their familiar context. Our approach enhances the traditional analysis workflow by complementing CMN with interactive visualization entities as minimally intrusive augmentations. Gradual step-wise transitions empower analysts to retrace and comprehend the relationship between the CMN and abstract data representations. We leverage glyph-based visualizations for harmony, rhythm and melody to demonstrate our technique's applicability. Design-driven visual query filters enable analysts to investigate statistical and semantic patterns on various abstraction levels. We conducted pair analytics sessions with 16 participants of different proficiency levels to gather qualitative feedback about the intuitiveness, traceability and understandability of our approach. The results show that MusicVis supports music analysts in getting new insights about feature characteristics while increasing their engagement and willingness to explore.

Evan Payne 2022-05-30 10:16:47

😍 So cool.

Evan Payne 2022-05-30 10:16:58

For years, this guy's been doing a similar thing manually:

Jan Ruzicka 2022-05-30 19:29:56

Imagine a similarly capable tool for analysing programs

That would need much more developed theory of language semantics / behaviours / cybernetics, however.

Evan Payne 2022-05-30 19:57:59

Well, I imagine that's what Github Copilot is working towards. They have that new "Explain this code to me".. And that in turn is very reliant on syntax highlighting and AST's.

hamish todd 2022-06-01 13:16:30

Hey folks, some might enjoy this GMTK episode it talks about making tools for making his game.

A reminder, if you needed it, that Unity is becoming a de-facto operating system!

William Taysom 2022-06-02 01:38:23

"Unity is a tool for making games, just not my specific game." Next thing he knows he's scripting level design tools for his specific game.

Shubhadeep Roychowdhury 2022-06-02 13:18:46

MarkovJunior is a probabilistic programming language where programs are combinations of rewrite rules and inference is performed via constraint propagation -

William Taysom 2022-06-03 14:47:44

AKA Catnip.

Mariano Guerra 2022-06-03 12:08:03

The Block-Paved Path to Structured Data - Structured Content 2022 by @Maggie Appleton

Despite its troubled past, structured and semantic data is actively used and useful across the web today. It improves our search results with rich visual previews. It helps researchers gather raw data for analysis and simulations. The only problem is we don’t have enough of it. The vast majority of data on the web is still unstructured.

Without diving headfirst into unrealistic dreams of a fully machine-readable web, we can still seek ways to increase the amount of structured data out there.

At HASH, we’re exploring how a relatively new but wildly popular interface pattern could help get us there: block-based editors. From Notion to WordPress Gutenberg, we’ve seen a surge in editing environments that give you a set of modular ‘blocks’ you can combine into rich interactive documents. Then without writing (or even knowing) any code, you can publish them to the open web.

Come find out why we believe the path to structured data is paved with these user-friendly blocks.

Srini K 2022-06-03 12:19:54

cc Cole Lawrence as well I think Hash has a few folks in this Slack!

VĂĄclav BlaĆŸej 2022-06-03 12:19:55

Very nice, thank you for sharing this. This is one of few projects which seem to have similar direction to what I want to investigate 🙂

Maggie Appleton 2022-06-03 16:51:58

Thanks for posting Mariano Guerra ❀

If anyone prefers pictures + long form text, I have a write-up on the same material here:

Also happy to answer Q’s if anything is confusing or merits more discussion

Eric Gade 2022-06-03 17:01:51

Great talk Maggie. Didn’t realize you were on this Slack! I DM’d you on Twitter instead

VĂĄclav BlaĆŸej 2022-06-03 17:47:16

I've looked into it a little more and I appreciate the effort to unite blocks. I wanted to ask whether block hub is free but found that it indeed is directly on its page, great 🙂 . I work on backend and frontend stuff is blocking me -- perhaps interfacing with this will be easier than to reinvent the blocks for myself again. Thanks!

Evan Payne 2022-06-03 18:07:38

Awesome! Nice one writing it up too @Maggie Appleton, despite being a good talker/listener, I find it easier to digest these things at my own pace.

Christopher Galtenberg 2022-06-03 20:51:30

Hi @Maggie Appleton, thanks for the presentation and notes –

How is the structured data for blocks actually made available? Presume Notion follows block protocol, loads my data, then renders the blocks – say my page is public, how would a friend then download the structured data? Is it presumed that somewhere in the html is a url to the json file containing the structured data? Or that there are web components rendered with entity data attributes, and those should be consumed?

(I think the answer might be neither, since there can be many possible rendering contexts? But then how is the dream of retrieving structured data from the web achieved?)

Asking another way, I'm not spotting in how entities data can actually be retrieved from a rendered page – any help locating this is appreciated

Maggie Appleton 2022-06-03 21:57:38

The protocol only defines how a block and an app should communicate, which includes requiring blocks to declare an expected schema. But it doesn’t control whether an app like Notion then translates those schemas into something accessible on the open web like JSON-LD or RDF.

The block schemas would make that translation much easier, but the BP itself can’t govern what individual apps choose to do. It only tries to make it easier for them to create and publish structured data through blocks. We’re trying to walk the line between trying encourage block-based apps to lean into structured data (and give them better tools to implement it) but we can’t govern whether they actually take the extra step and semantically mark-up their publishable pages with something like JSON-LD and/or RDF