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Mariano Guerra 2022-05-23 18:19:19 is a microgrants program focused on people working on projects that make computers better.

Example projects:

  • (1) Building a self-hosted compiler or interpreter.
  • (2) Prototype an experimental browser.
  • (3) Make your computer express emotions.
  • Note: There's no off-limits ideas, so bring your wildest ones

Example usage:

  • (1) Using the money to compensate for skipping work or school.
  • (2) Paying your friend to work on your project with you.
  • (3) Paying for APIs and other software tooling.
  • (4) Sponsoring you over time on a project (Patreon, Github, etc).

Grants range from $100–$500. Apply now

Corey Montella 2022-05-23 20:32:02

Interesting gesture, but what role does this kind of microgrant really play? $500 goes approximately nowhere toward reinventing computers. They said they're doing it to just see cool projects, so are they farming ideas?

Mariano Guerra 2022-05-23 21:00:13

yes, the money is really small, I don't see how it can cover even a fraction of the example projects

Mariano Guerra 2022-05-23 21:01:01

maybe grants can be renewed?

Jack Rusher 2022-05-24 06:57:29

Like, 1000x too small 😹

Jason Morris 2022-05-23 23:16:31
Christopher Galtenberg 2022-05-23 23:20:56

"Yatima is a pure functional programming language implemented in Rust with... content addressing, first-class types, linear, affine and erased types, type-safe dependent metaprogramming"

type Vector (A: Type): ∀ (ω k: Natural) -> Type {

   Nil: Vector A Natural.Z,

   Cons (0 k: Natural) (x: A) (xs: Vector A k): Vector A (Natural.S k),


def Vector.head (0 A: Type) (k: Natural) (a : Vector A (Natural.S k)): A

  = ((case a) (λ k' self => ∀ (Equal Natural (Natural.S k) k') -> A)

    (λ e => Empty.absurd A (Natural.Z_isnt_S k e))

    (λ k x xs e => x))

    (Equal.Refl Natural (Natural.S k))

Mariano Guerra 2022-05-24 10:22:12

I came across a big research lab from the 90s that I didn't know about so I decided to blog about it:

📝 Interval Research Corporation: a 90s PARC without a Xerox

Jack Rusher 2022-05-24 15:59:19

"Our research is kept secret" 🤮

Mariano Guerra 2022-05-24 21:16:54
Chris Knott 2022-05-25 06:07:08

What a great article Mariano, you should have pitched it to Wired! I had never heard of this lab, which is surprising when they were putting out bangers like "Enterprise: an experiment in journalism, developing a prototype of a business magazine on CD-ROM." 😂 __

In all seriousness it does appear that they failed because they were too detached from actual needs . If you compare to Bell Labs, yes it was very insulated but it still had this constant trickle up of problems that customers and engineers were actually facing on the ground.

Jack Rusher 2022-05-25 06:41:24

Counterpoint: the real reason they've completely failed to achieve anything is that they're trying to make money off basic research, which is actually a public good.

Mariano Guerra 2022-05-25 06:54:06

Chris Knott thanks, half the content is from the wired article linked at the bottom, so they did the great work in 1999 😄 , I just extracted the useful parts and mixed them with content from the archived Interval site

Mariano Guerra 2022-05-24 13:18:46

Registrations for Unison Forall 2022 are open

June 24th (EDT), fully online and completely free

🐦 Unison: We're very pleased to announce that registrations for Unison Forall 2022 are open! Join us June 24th (EDT) for the first Unison language conference, fully online and completely free. We have a lineup of engaging talks, and a virtual "hallway track". 🤖🌸🪐

Corey Montella 2022-05-25 19:01:57

Love Unison but their logo triggers my trypophobia 😆

Jamie Brandon 2022-05-24 22:45:15

Emergent Ventures is a low-application-overhead grant for 'high-reward ideas'. I haven't been able to find out what typical grant size is, but the parallel Covid Fast Grants program seems to be averaging $250k.

Application -

Previous grants -

Chris Granger 2022-05-24 23:00:53

The range is apparently $10k - $500k

Corey Montella 2022-05-25 19:00:13

500k is nice. That's about what you'd get for a NSF CAREER award

Corey Montella 2022-05-25 19:32:35

Oh I see... Thiel Foundation

Corey Montella 2022-05-25 19:33:48

If there's only a $1m total fund, I guess most of the grants are on the small side

Chris Granger 2022-05-25 19:33:56

That's where it started, I can't find whether it not it's still driven by them

Chris Granger 2022-05-25 19:34:01

they got more money

Corey Montella 2022-05-25 19:34:35


Corey Montella 2022-05-25 19:35:26

I say, a 14 day turnaround is crazy. It takes a year to hear back from NSF

Chris Granger 2022-05-25 19:36:08

yeah, I know the collisons were involved with FastGrants and they were intentional about trying to drive innovation through speed of funding

Jamie Brandon 2022-05-25 20:29:13

I've seen the $10k - $500k and 14 day turnaround for the covid fast grants. I'm not sure if it's the same for non-covid grants.