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hamish todd 2022-05-16 01:17:55

Been thinking of getting a Remarkable / Onyx Boox / general note-taking/drawing tablet , intended as a serious replacement for my mechanical-pencil-and-paper-notebook setup. I'm using it as an opportunity to think about these devices as thinking/coding tools.

Chris Knott 2022-05-16 05:31:03

Remarkable 2 has replaced notepads for me. I love it and I would recommend it but I believe they recently went to some kind of subscription model. I was grandfathered in without paying because I was an early pre-order. I think they are all pretty similar. They all use the same e-ink screen.

Konrad Hinsen 2022-05-16 07:10:50

I have an Onyx Boox Note 2. No longer available but the successors are overall similar. For me it's mostly a reading device which I appreciate enormously because of reduced eye strain compared to standard tablets. I use the stylus mainly for annotating stuff I read, not so much for note taking. It may be very good for that, but I didn't try. Habits...

Oleksandr Kryvonos 2022-05-16 21:23:23

I got for my self Samsung Tab S6 Lite, comes with stylus, still not using it properly as a thinking tool though

Naveen Michaud-Agrawal 2022-05-17 02:03:44

I've been (slowly) trying to implement a Smalltalk-78 interpreter (enough to run one of the images on the Smalltalk-zoo - for my PineNote, and then I plan to redesign the core UI to work with pen input. It feels like an almost bare-metal Smalltalk (I am just leveraging a minimal linux system to handle the screenbuffer and the basic hardware) will give me a 'small-enough' system to be able to experiment with new 'digital-paper' like interactions

Naveen Michaud-Agrawal 2022-05-17 02:06:46

It feels like a lot of the ideas from Alex Obenauer's Lab notes ( provide a design space for building this kind of full-object based personal system

Naveen Michaud-Agrawal 2022-05-17 02:14:46

I love the thinking behind Ink&Switch's crosscut system, but it feels hampered by the fact that experimenting with any new ideas needs the full edit/compile/upload cycle, instead of being able to make changes directly to the system live. One comment from Dan Ingalls that has stuck with me is that while the PARC systems that Alan Kay's LRG group built were slower than software from other groups (like the Bravo editor, which was written directly in BCPL), their turnaround time for experimentation was so quick that it more than made up for the slower system speed. Now with computers as powerful as they are now (even the PineNote boasts a 64 bit 1.8 Ghz quad core chip with 4Gb of memory and a GPU), there is no excuse not to have live editable systems directly on the devices we use.

Konrad Hinsen 2022-05-17 09:54:22

The risk of using a live programming system is that once you are used to one, you just don't want to get back to edit-compile-run cycles.

Konrad Hinsen 2022-05-17 09:55:00

And yes, I'd love to have Smalltalk-on-e-ink with a good touch interface!

Ben Kirwin 2022-05-18 12:54:25

i work on software for the remarkable tablet, mostly focused on using handwriting as a ui element or input. so far i've released, but also have a text editor and other things in various stages of completion

Ben Kirwin 2022-05-18 12:57:02

folly is a text adventure / interactive fiction interpreter, so not exactly FoC's bread and butter, but i started it as a way to experiment with some adjacent ideas like the read-eval-print loop, and using handwriting both as a visual element and as a command for the machine.

Ben Kirwin 2022-05-18 13:00:13

personally i find i think differently with a pen+paper metaphor than on a laptop / similar, and i'm curious about better ways to leverage that - most existing software for these tablets uses either a paper metaphor (with no interactivity aside from drawing lines etc.) or a mobile-device metaphor (very interactive, but doesn't take advantage of the text/ink-heavy visuals the hardware is good at)

Ben Kirwin 2022-05-18 13:02:17

@Naveen Michaud-Agrawal - i'd be curious how your system differs from existing smalltalk implementations / why one might need a new interpreter for e-ink stuff and not just a new ui

Ben Kirwin 2022-05-18 13:06:37

i've thought a bit about the interface side of programming on e-ink (eg. where the syntax doesn't need to be ASCII, but does need to be maximally visually distinct for the handwriting recognizer) but almost not at all about the implementation

Naveen Michaud-Agrawal 2022-05-18 13:23:45

@Ben Kirwin Folly looks interesting, thanks. The pinenote doesn't quite yet have the level of support for 3rd party applications yet, so i've been prototyping using an interpreter on my desktop.

Naveen Michaud-Agrawal 2022-05-18 13:26:18

My approach is less about needing a new interpreter, but more that the Smalltalk-76/78 system feels small enough to be fully approachable (compared to Squeak/Pharo/GT). In addition, those systems all start with a UX system built around keyboard and mouse, and I'd like to explore UI ideas where the pen input is first class

Naveen Michaud-Agrawal 2022-05-18 13:33:08

Although I do vacillate between using my own interpreter and trying to get smalltalk-vm running on the quartz64 chip

Chris Knott 2022-05-18 14:14:00

@Ben Kirwin That looks great! Gonna try it out this weekend

Konrad Hinsen 2022-05-18 14:16:08

@Naveen Michaud-Agrawal You might also check out Cuis Smalltalk, which is more modern that 76/78, but has the explicit goal of remaining small and understandable.

šŸ”— Cuis-Smalltalk

Naveen Michaud-Agrawal 2022-05-18 15:25:33

Konrad Hinsen thanks, I forgot about Cuis. Although I'm looking for non-modern, the current smalltalk vms feel like they are way beyond my comprehension

Ben Kirwin 2022-05-18 15:51:56

that makes sense! i've never really spent much time with smalltalk; i forget sometimes how deeply intertwined the language and ui are.

Konrad Hinsen 2022-05-18 16:38:51

From the user's point of view, they are, but fundamentally, they are not. You could create a Smalltalk with no UI other than an input text stream. In fact, GNU Smalltalk is almost at that level. Given such a Smalltalk, you could then build different UIs on top of it. It's not fundamentally different from other dynamic languages. The real difference is that the Smalltalk community has since the beginning valued good UIs and development tools.

Ben Kirwin 2022-05-18 16:45:15

oh, also related to taking advantage of the medium, if anyone hasn't seen:

(i don't 100% agree with it, but found it thought-provoking)

Naveen Michaud-Agrawal 2022-05-18 16:47:46

@Ben Kirwin yes it's a good read. What parts don't you agree with?

Ben Kirwin 2022-05-18 17:01:06

mostly: i like recognition! it's why i'm using a computer instead of paper.

i really agree with a lot of the specific criticisms of the tablet ui, and how it goes too far to make the input legible to the computer at the expense of expressivity etc.

but there are other places where i wish the ui did a little bit more recognition... for example, searching for a particular phrase in my notes

and i think you really do end up wanting to use the whole spectrum of legible-to-human/legible-to-machine for different tasks / in different contexts

Naveen Michaud-Agrawal 2022-05-18 17:02:31

Ah agreed

Naveen Michaud-Agrawal 2022-05-18 17:04:57

Have you ever seen the Grail demo from Rand Corp? Even the UI was constructed by hand (as a flowchart) -

Naveen Michaud-Agrawal 2022-05-18 17:06:23

I do like Omar's point that the recognition shouldn't erase the original input, instead just annotating with the computer readable information

Ben Kirwin 2022-05-18 18:31:34

i've seen a little bit about the rand tablet, but not a proper demo - thanks for the link!

Ben Kirwin 2022-05-18 18:35:46

and yeah, that was definitely an inspiration for how folly does it

though really it could take it much farther - eg. letting users take notes and things in the margins, or allow editing old commands

in the next version maybe!

Chris Knott 2022-05-18 20:14:11

I actually just tried Folly now so here's some snap reactions;

  • The general write input, get more text interaction loop is really compelling, it really made the reMarkable feel like a different device.
  • My handwriting is quite bad and it struggled to understand (3 attempts at "novice mode off"). It would have been helpful to see what it thought I was saying so I could get an idea of what letters I was doing wrong
  • I feel like there's cool stuff to explore in the UI. For example, how about just circling words in the prompt to interact with those items. How about just drawing an arrow pointing up for "Go north". This is something that you can do that keyboard driven IF can't do
Ben Kirwin 2022-05-18 20:28:38

hey, thanks for the feedback!

in case it's helpful as you mess around: the "folly tutorial" will repeat what it thought you were saying if it wasn't able to make sense of it.

Chris Knott 2022-05-18 20:30:14

Oh right whoops I jumped straight into Bronze šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø

Ben Kirwin 2022-05-18 20:33:11

understandable! one thing that's been tricky to balance is that gesture-/handwriting-based ui feels less discoverable, since there's fewer affordances on-screen. right now i'm leaning on the tutorial to fill some of the gaps, but it feels like there should be a better way to integrate that into the app itself...

Ben Kirwin 2022-05-18 20:36:53

and yep, definitely agree on the ui opportunities

Naveen Michaud-Agrawal 2022-05-18 20:38:39

I've always thought it would be interesting to do a "Marauders Map" (Harry Potter reference) type UI for a story game on an ePaper device

Naveen Michaud-Agrawal 2022-05-18 20:38:52

Like the device is some sort of magical artifact that you interact with

hamish todd 2022-05-16 01:23:01

If anyone has a writeup/previous discussion on here of this kind of thing, I'd love to see it. But essentially I was thinking about this kind of thing Of course Bret demo'd Stop Drawing Dead Fish and, I think, Drawing Dynamic visualizations on touchscreens. I think a stylus is a good addition to that. It's slightly unpleasant to put one's finger on a touchscreen, and to try to do very precise manipulations of potentially pixel-sized things below it using one's relatively fat fingers.

Multitouch is nice in theory, but genuinely, aside from pinch-to-zoom/rotate, I know of nothing else good that uses it

Szymon Kaliski 2022-05-16 08:00:33

we have a long running thread about programmable ink at ink&switch, with recent publication here: -- I'd be up to connect and chat some more if that's interesting/relevant

hamish todd 2022-05-16 09:23:05

Thanks, I read a lot of this page when you put it out but I didn't recall that it was intended for multitouch tablets

Kartik Agaram 2022-05-16 17:21:14

Ivan Reese at šŸ’¬ #administrivia@2022-05-16T16:42:37.709Z:

what even is a computer and what will we do with it?

I've actually been struggling with this question a whole lot outside this community. Perhaps I should bring y'all in:

The conclusion I've currently arrived at is:

  • The kind of computers we have today prioritizes large organizations that pay people with money. The influence of this mindset is deep and infects almost all our tools. This "computer industrial complex" is often useful on short timescales, but it is also blind to a lot of the value people create with it. As a result, future decisions by the computer industrial complex often destroy value at people scales.
  • Right from the start (suspense alert), there's been a shadow computer with a different, more convivial purpose. Confusingly, this shadow computer often looks just like other computers. You have to look closely to look past the camouflage.
  • It's hard to see what people would do with these shadow computers if we weren't immersed in a world created by organizations. After some time thinking about it, I can't find a better answer than the one (drumroll) Vannevar Bush arrived at, right at the start: one thing convivial computers are definitely for is to externalize our brains. Paper expands memory. Computers expand both memory and modeling.

This is a surprising, even shocking, conclusion for me to arrive at. I've always slightly looked down my nose at all the "tools for thought" conversations in this Slack. It's felt too close to productivity porn most suitable to avoid doing anything productive. Suddenly they're super relevant.

But it's not enough to build more tools for thought. We have to think also about the process by which they're built. We have to ensure that the people-factory generating the convivial iPhone is also convivial. Because if it isn't, the conviviality will be short-lived as organizations kill or coopt it for their needs. The most important property to preserve, IMO, is to keep the raw code as naked and free from packaging as possible. It should be literally begging to be opened, inspected, tinkered with. Most software today fails to fit this bill. C programs come without source code by default. Browsers require big honking machines to be built from source. We write lovely naked Ruby code but then package it up into gems that go hide in some system directory where nobody can go look inside them.

This is what my future of software looks like.

Personal Dynamic Media 2022-05-16 17:33:39

Alan Kay had another answer. Paraphrasing here, the computer is a communications medium that allows us to share simulations of our ideas with other people which they can then run, modify, and test in order to better understand and question the ideas being communicated. It is personal in the sense that anyone can use it to create simulations of their ideas and share them. It is dynamic in that the simulation can respond to the recipient of the message who is attempting to understand it. The recipient can ask the simulation "what if?" questions of the sort that have only historically been possible when conversing directly with the person who has the idea.

It can also allow others to respond to and critique messages by pointing out flaws in a simulation and publishing an improved version.

Ultimately, by allowing us to think and communicate more deeply about complex issues, this could help bring about another enlightenment in the same way that the printing press helped bring about the last one by allowing people to communicate ideas and arguments that were too long to remember all at once.

Ivan Lugo 2022-05-16 18:02:27

I canā€™t think of a cohesive final thought because thereā€™s so much here.

When someone builds a tool, itā€™s because their brain is attempting to do what you said: externalize a thought. Theyā€™re building a representation of their brainā€™s wiring. Itā€™s amazing. It also means there are trillion-billion-billion ways to organize thoughts and ideas, which is also amazing but daunting.

This is why Iā€™m building my project. My version of ā€œtechā€ is that everything is a cog in someone elseā€™s machine. Everything . I used to flip boolean flags in iOS world hoping for views to come out differently, and would be surprised when they did - because there was no mental map I could rely on to help me understand what the hell this was actually doing . I wanted - need - the ability to and for myself look as arbitrarily deep or as shallow as a system allows. Big corp hates that, because then you understand what they did, and then you donā€™t buy it anymore. Boohoo.

I want to click a file and see code. Then, knowing that every single token has a meaning - either as an identifier locally or someone else - and understand it in whatever context I wish. If youā€™ve seen the movie Arrival, with the Heptopod ink language, this is what I mean. Every curve and contour of your software does something and has a direct cause and effect. Thatā€™s what all the computer science research did for us, and is doing for us. Codifying cause and effect and strengthening the guarantees that paradigm offers.

I want ā€œthe mechanic that grows up around a family shopā€ to be in exactly the same space as ā€œthe techie that grows up around a computer storeā€. These people are not different - theyā€™re experimentalists.

The difference is the tools they have and can create, and who - in this current world - owns and allows new ones to be created.

Ivan Lugo 2022-05-16 18:07:02

It should be literally begging to be opened, inspected, tinkered with.

The first moment I ran my project and saw the code that was running it fly up in space and just.. stare back at me, I had a feeling I didnā€™t understand. I still donā€™t understand what it was. It was kinda accomplishment, but my brain justā€¦ did something. I felt a click. I saw every single individual glyph and line of code all at once and just went, ā€œā€¦huhā€.

My brain had never before that day used its optical nervous system to simultaneously process the entire visual representation of a codebase other than as a list of ā€œfilesā€ and ā€œdirectoriesā€, already abstractions I had to come up with visual metaphors for.

David Brooks 2022-05-16 18:17:55

Kartik Agaram when you say "large organizations," what you're referring to specifically is capitalist corporations. The development of computing in modern times has followed the same driving force as all other industrial technologies. From the absurd keurig coffee maker to the ever-present WalMart (in the US) to the roadways that consume land to the very design of cities themselves. It all serves one primary purpose: profit. The only reason PARC and Vannevar Bush were able to get as much amazing work done in so many creative directions was a relatively absent profit motive (read: mostly unhindered research). I shudder to imagine what the computing world would look like if early development were dominated almost exclusively by the profit motive via corporations, as it is now.

Tom Larkworthy 2022-05-16 20:16:00

I feel like there is mainly 1. the scientific use of the computer, its a tool for thought or an instrument for massive number crunching. 2. general tool for automation, that's the business stuff we get paid for, it's not cognitive extension, it's free labour or helper. It's just a very convenient tool for stuff .

You see the first case much more in universities, it's there, but its not connected to business. You get random software that a prof made for enumerating mathematical objects in such and such space. Thats the computer as a mind extender. Its lovely. I prefer programming computers for science but society as a whole finds more use in the second case, and rewards accordingly.

Personal Dynamic Media 2022-05-16 20:26:39

I'll also throw out Ted Nelson's definition, that a computer is a general device for dealing with symbols and following plans. A generalized form of writing and paper. He argues that we only call it a computer because as a historical accident the first people to create one were using it to compute by manipulating symbols that stood for numbers.

Ivan Lugo 2022-05-16 20:49:26

ā€œThatā€™s why itā€™s called a computer. Itā€™s for computation .ā€

Some people just refuse to see outside themselves. They sound and present a willingness only for small and closed mindedness.

Ivan Lugo 2022-05-16 20:52:51

ā€œDonā€™t you have file folders?ā€


ā€œIsnā€™t that enough?ā€

ā€œā€¦ no!ā€

Ivan Lugo 2022-05-16 20:53:07

How do we make those people move out the way of the future?

Eric Gade 2022-05-16 20:59:47

@David Brooks Jack Goldman, who helped run Xerox during the PARC days, once said that if it were only up to the whims of the profit motive, we would never have gotten a vaccine for polio. Instead, as he put it, we would have "gotten the best iron lungs you ever saw."

I always thought that summed it up nicely.

Are today's computers the polio vaccine or the advanced iron lungs?

Kartik Agaram 2022-05-16 21:00:07

I just remembered after many years this old website made by a friend of mine:

Personal Dynamic Media 2022-05-16 21:00:44

I can't find a reference for it right now, but I seem to recall Seymour Papert saying something like "all adults are learning disabled." I also seem to recall this being part of Alan Kay's reason for focusing his research on children, because they were still able to learn new ways of thinking.

Maybe Planck's principle applies to more than just science?

Kartik Agaram 2022-05-16 21:26:33

I actually like profit. There's nothing wrong with profit. The trouble arises when our assessments of potential profit lack imagination. In particular, as group size increases groups have a tendency to focus on short-term , stable profits. They're easier to defend in debate, and probabilistic investments become risky.

It's not just that ARPA gave us the internet while corporations couldn't. PARC at its peak was similar, and it came out of a for-profit company. I have a hard time imagining DARPA today accomplishing as much, though I'm not an expert.

Power = Resources - Accountability. Sometimes people with power do amazing things. Sometimes they don't.

(Sometimes they're Robert Moses who we thought for decades did amazing things, until Jane Jacobs opened our eyes.)

(I also saw something recently that the rhetoric about companies having to maximize profit is a recent thing, going back perhaps to the 70s: So while maximizing profit is always a difficult problem, perhaps we've made it harder for ourselves in recent decades by forgetting the value of long-term vision.)

My response to all this is to avoid trying to decide what "we" should "all" do. Universal basic computation for all. Then make of it what you will.

Chris Granger 2022-05-16 21:45:17

what even is a computer and what will we do with it?

Collect, Question, Communicate - we eventually changed Collect to Gather.

David Brooks 2022-05-16 21:57:49

If you honestly believe there's nothing wrong with profit Kartik Agaram , I would encourage you to research some voices that have a lot to say about that. Suffice it to say for this conversation that the profit motive has given us an extremely twisted major use for computing: social media. If profit above all else is the motive, then Facebook/Twitter et al will do whatever it takes to increase their profits. They do this by way of advertising money. The suggestion / content algorithms maximize "user engagement." And since we humans are hard-wired to pay attention to extremes ("if it bleeds, it leads"), the algorithm has no choice but to suggest more and more extreme content. We have witnessed this again and again in mass shootings and in general political divisiveness around the world. This barely scratches the surface.

And if you wonder "why doesn't Facebook do something about it," an internal FB group was instructed to research the extent of FB's influence on extremist activity and came to the conclusion that yes, FB is contributing to global instability and that the best course of action for the benefit of humanity was to fundamentally change FB's business model. Mark Zuckerberg waved the warning aside and told them to never bring it up again.

Kartik Agaram 2022-05-16 22:54:53

You're preaching to the choir there! Reread what I wrote. "Profit" != "maximizing profit" or "profit above all". I explicitly called out "maximizing profit" as harmful rhetoric.

Riley Stewart 2022-05-17 03:28:29

Partly, I think the reason we've arrived at such an obviously local optimum is that consumers of computers and software typically go for the cheapest fastest device that can run the most stuff, and leave out the more qualitative aspects of valuation to their own detriment. B2B sales certainly doesn't lend itself to optimal purchasing decisions either, so we are all left waiting for revolutions while the products that we're stuck with gets moderately better over the decades that it's around. More than anything else, the discipline of engineering struggles to find a foothold in computer software, partially because it's so lucrative and powerful that "agile" unscalable tinkering wins out, and partially because making well-engineered software is especially hard in a rapidly transforming medium - at least now it seems Moore's law has migrated to GPUs!

It seems we're stuck with Capital and all that brings, including the systemic drift to low performance that is only corrected by aperiodic paradigm shifts. What's exciting is this community seems as poised as any to offer one! I, and I think most others here, agree with your axiom to make software as free as possible - an important part of that, to me, is to extend that freedom to the end-user even if they aren't a "programmer" in the traditional sense. There are performance and complexity costs associated with that as well as the standard ugliness of proprietary systems, but things seem to be moving in the right direction, and the idea of such a system now isn't pure fantasy. Now, we just have to compete with AI-fueled black boxes that seek to forever murkify precious computing.

Alex Cruise 2022-05-16 23:56:20

Time to dredge up Out of the Tar Pit again? Itā€™s the only thing Iā€™ve ever seen in ~25 years that looks like it might actually simplify real-world apps

Alex Cruise 2022-05-16 23:59:32

Iā€™m trying not to be the greybeard who pours cold water over everything, butā€¦ gestures vaguely at decades of failure to create declarative systems

Jimmy Miller 2022-05-17 01:06:15

So I loved out of the tar pit when I first read it. On revisits, I'm not so sure about the promise.

I've worked on a number of different systems that you could call a realization of the kind of functional relational programming talked about in Out of the Tar Pit and it definitely didn't seem to be that much better.

The system I worked on most recently was in clojure, with a datalog database for the relational part.

Without going into details, the system has not been a success. Trying to achieve our goals, with reasonable performance was hard. The mapping between the inner frp world and the world around us was messy and lossy.

I think there are many great insights in that paper. But having lived in the clojure space for a while, (a space I love) I've cooled on the paper a bit.

Alex Cruise 2022-05-17 16:09:51

Thinking about this some more overnight, I think the addition of first-class state machines into the model will really help

Jimmy Miller 2022-05-17 16:13:53

Hahaha. Yep. We had those too :)

Jimmy Miller 2022-05-17 16:15:00

On paper it seems so good. We had lots of really smart talented people building these parts. But honestly, it just wasn't that great. Definitely not orders of magnitude better. Probably quite a bit worse

Alex Cruise 2022-05-17 17:31:01

Layering violations are often necessary at scale, and when use cases get complex

Alex Thompson 2022-05-17 19:21:25

I think there's potential but it needs a more comprehensive approach by baking the principles into compiler infrastructure and data stores

Jack Rusher 2022-05-18 13:55:28

Every PL paradigm is better as a library/module used to code the part(s) of your program that it makes easy than as an ideology or all encompassing model.

Alex Cruise 2022-05-18 18:04:17 has some grail-like properties

Jack Rusher 2022-05-19 05:39:18

@Alex Cruise have you used it? if so, can you say something about it that's more informative than their horrible enterprise marketing website?

Alex Cruise 2022-05-19 16:16:25

Iā€™ve been keeping an eye on its predecessors, ā€œcloudstateā€ and ā€œakka serverlessā€

Alex Cruise 2022-05-19 16:17:31

Making event sourcing relatively easy, while also supporting CRUD, is niceā€¦ Having everything be based on protobuf is annoying but IDLs that anyone is willing to actually use arenā€™t exactly thick on the ground

Alex Cruise 2022-05-19 16:19:06

If you can confine your appā€™s needs for statefulness to one of those two models, and everything imperative you need to build is stateless, that can be a big win

Alex Cruise 2022-05-19 16:19:48

I wonder how Kalix specifically will handle very heavy load, but the Akka folks have been at it for a long time, and done some very large-scale testing

Alex Cruise 2022-05-19 16:21:39

(not to mention being used in prod in many, may large-scale deployments)

Alex Cruise 2022-05-19 16:22:17

Donā€™t get me wrong, I think actors generally, and Akka specifically, are amazing, but theyā€™ve very low-level and require significant brain rewiring

Chris Knott 2022-05-17 14:45:11

What would you put in an Information Management/Data Modelling version of 7 GUIs?

That is, what difficult to model scenarios would you use to "stress test" different data formats/information systems (I'm struggling for the words here but I'm talking broadly about stuff like Relational Database, JSON, XML, Java classes etc).

Chris Knott 2022-05-17 14:47:54

Here's one example;

Alice, Bob and Charles live at 123 Fake St.

Alice works as an Accountant and earns $20,000

Bob works as a Baker and earns $25,000

Charles works part-time as a Carer earning $10,000 and part-time as a Carpenter earning $12,000.

We want to be able to calculate the total household income easily.

In most systems the most natural way to model the first two people would be as a class/schema with a salary field/column, but this makes it hard to do the third person.

Chris Granger 2022-05-17 16:39:45

Some others:

  • Handling exceptions: birds can fly, except penguins, except harry the rocket penguin. Or my monthly budget is $1200 except every other month there's an extra 200 and once a year there's an extra 1000.
  • Meta-information: chris's salary of $100 is self reported
  • Temporal understanding: Is Chris a student? (No, but he was from X to Y despite there being an entry in the student table)
Chris Knott 2022-05-17 17:15:26

Yeah these expose quite a few limitations to my current design šŸ™ˆ.

I think exceptions needs nesting/inheritance + overwriting. CSS is actually pretty natural and intuitive for exceptions.

Meta is not easy. You need a way to point to the notation itself. My first thought would be citations/footnotes somehow.

The third one is actually best for me, I can limit attributes/relationships to a certain context, but it's not really queryable. It wouldn't allow you to get students on a particular day.

Chris Granger 2022-05-17 19:34:22

yeah, this stuff is pretty hard, e.g. how do you model Joe knows that Tim lives in Seattle?

Jason Morris 2022-05-17 20:04:08

A signed document arrives on Tuesday. The person who signed it is found dead on the following Thursday. When might they have died?

Jason Morris 2022-05-17 20:08:01

I'm currently working with constraint answer set programming to deal with a lot of these sorts of problems. Exceptions are dealt with in the Bird Act demo at I have a plan for causality and temporality using Event Calculus, but haven't gotten there, yet. Meta-data is currently being done in a sketchy way for the source of legal conclusions, but what I would prefer to do is use a higher-order logic representation for it, like you can do in Flora-2.

Alex Cruise 2022-05-19 16:23:25

I have a doc somewhere about a short-lived pet project called ā€œa metamodel for unreliable informationā€, I wonder if I could find it šŸ™‚

Alex Cruise 2022-05-19 16:25:39

There was a striking comment about finding that the semantic web style ā€œtriples all the way downā€ was found to be insufficient, lemme see if I can find it

Chris Granger 2022-05-19 16:38:58

You can model everything he talks about with triples. I'm not sure I'd want to, but it's doable. In some sense, 6th normal form (of which triples is a crappier version) is the atomic form of data - all other structures fall out of it. What's useful at a practical level for modeling very complex things, like knowledge of someone else's knowledge of, is still an open question.

Chris Knott 2022-05-19 17:15:19

Yes, I think ultimately every format is essentially "Turing Complete". You can model everything with everything, in the same way you can translate any algorithm into a mountain of NAND gates. That doesn't make NAND gates a good way to express algorithms.

You can come up with crappy ways of representing ordered lists in XML, at the same time I think it's fair to say XML doesn't really support ordered lists.

It's more about having a sort of Theory of Mind for the computer, so you can express yourself in a language fluently, and also be completely confident in how the computer is understanding what you are saying.

To use one of Chris's examples. We can say;

(Joe) (KNOWS) (Tim lives in Seattle)

Where (Tim lives in Seattle) (INSTANCE OF) (Fact about Tim)

But that clearly just doesn't count because the computer isn't understanding it in the same way I am.

Chris Knott 2022-05-19 17:18:14

This example is solved as a design problem when "Joe knows Tim lives in Seattle" is naturally related to the representation of "Tim lives in Seattle". THAT's the thing that RDF is going to struggle with

Chris Knott 2022-05-19 17:20:48

But anyway @Alex Cruise your title there has certainly whetted my appetite so if you do find it please share! Or whatever you can remember

William Taysom 2022-05-22 02:21:22

My personal data modeling hell is when a 1-1 relationship becomes 1-n. What things stay the same (say across all the n), what should be aggregated, and what now needs to be different?

Shalabh 2022-05-19 06:24:05

Hello friends, recently Konrad Hinsen tweeted that we should document our ā€œdeep goalsā€ and that has me thinking about how to formulate such things. If any of you have formulated your ā€œdeep goalsā€, not just for your strategy or project, but the underlying motivating goal of your research, could you please share?

Since we have overlap as well as divergence in what each of us is working towards, I think formulating the goals may help us see where we overlap and diverge?

šŸ¦ Konrad Hinsen (šŸ˜ @NickSmit_ @jonathoda @chatur_shalabh @jackrusher Same for me. And I think it would help a lot if people made a better effort to document their goals, not just their work. Also "deep goals" and not just superficial ones.

Konrad Hinsen 2022-05-19 06:30:25

As I replied on Twitter, my deep goal is creating computational media for research in physics and chemistry (plus possibly beyond). Media that encode observations, models, and their relations, relegating tools (code) to the background. In terms of "the classics", this is very close to Terry Winograd's ideas from "Beyond programming languages", specialized to a particular domain.

Konrad Hinsen 2022-05-19 06:35:43

My idea of a deep goal is a goal expressed in terms of what people can do with computers. As opposed to technical goals, such as "getting rid of text files", or "making X faster".

Jason Morris 2022-05-19 15:42:53

Being better at choosing, writing, and following rules.

Kartik Agaram 2022-05-19 17:18:06

One deep goal I often see here is to make programming easier, perhaps to non-programmers. Call this the "lower the floor" goal.

A second deep goal I see here is to reduce the effort of programming. That can help either beginners or experts, but for contrast with the previous one, call it the "raise the ceiling" goal.

My preferred deep goal is to make programs easier for anyone to look inside. "Lower the floor for reading." I'm less concerned about the writing experience.

Obviously there's tons of overlap between these goals. But I'm starting to realize that that's a problem rather than a good thing. It makes it harder to see true potential collaborators.

An orthogonal axis is means towards these goals. Some people build research projects, some people build commercial products for others to use. By the nature of my goal, I have to try to build finished (open source) products that people can use. They're stable, they last a long time, and oh if you eventually want to look inside them, hopefully that's easier than with most other products you use.

Konrad Hinsen 2022-05-19 17:39:45

Making programming more accessible is definitely a worthy goal, but I think this goal requires more precision. In fact, I don't believe there is a universal abstract activity called "programming". You need to pick an audience and an application context, and maybe more. And as you note, reading and writing are not the same problem either.

Kartik Agaram 2022-05-19 18:07:55

More precision may help gain adoption, but it might shrink your tent too much if the goal is to find collaborators.

The way I think about it is programming is a skill that can support any activity. Bending the computer to help with whatever you do. So while some tools are more specific, it seems reasonable to be general-purpose. I'm fairly flexible on the initial product. My plan has always been a small "empire" of little products. (It's been slow going but will hopefully be faster now.) If one product gets me an opportunity to collaborate I'd be happy to prioritize it.

Jimmy Miller 2022-05-20 03:03:31

Iā€™m kind of surprised to see myself say this. But I donā€™t have a deep goal, or if I do, it is a deep meta goal.

In programming and in my other hobby (philosophy). Iā€™ve found that as I learn more, my tastes change, morph, and expand. What I see in philosophy that I think is wonderful is the incredible diversity of views and yet persistent dialogue going on between these views. Philosophy becomes this rich discussion of trade-offs, of clear conversations driving to find where the true disagreement lies. Programming on the other hand seems to lack this depth.

So if I have a deep goal, it is a meta goal. To explore many different deep goals. To see many different approaches flourish. To push and understand. To find where real disagreement is rather than superficial. To find connections where others see difference.

I think the things that make us different here are much less important than the things we have in common. What I think matters in those difference is to understand them and to find out the strengths in each approach and to find a way, not to combine them all into some multi-paradigm mess, but to see them all from their perspectives.

Jack Rusher 2022-05-20 05:35:15

It'll take some effort to write this up the way I want, so it'll probably end up as a blog post rather than a Slack message.

Shalabh 2022-05-20 05:37:06

Thanks Konrad Hinsen, what you wrote above and is clear and certainly overlaps with stuff that interests me.

Shalabh 2022-05-20 05:38:14

Being better at choosing, writing, and following rules.

Jason Morris - could you elaborate a bit on how you think what you wrote overlaps with computing? Specifically what kinds of rules are we talking about?

Shalabh 2022-05-20 05:55:05

Jimmy Miller - loved your reply. I do agree that with programming we canā€™t say where the true disagreement lies. I mean ā€œstatic types vs dynamicā€ and ā€œfunctional vs OOā€ seem somewhat narrow and fuzzy debates that arenā€™t quite getting to something rich. Perhaps there are some key notions that could make these discussions feel more crisp? Often I feel I am in this boat as well.. ā€œseeking perspectivesā€ that connect and sever other ideas. What came to mind after reading your reply was

Not All Who Wander Are Lost

(I mean.. I know I am lost, but not all who wander are.)

Perhaps it is useful to have both kinds of goals be explicit? The meta goals and well as the currently being explored perspective/goals.

Shalabh 2022-05-20 06:07:14

Kartik Agaram I do think your website paints a fairly clear picture around your goals and approaches. I got the idea about ā€œlower the floor for readingā€ (but not by the usual readability )

Finding useful collaboration (and avoiding unproductive colab) is one reason Iā€™m thinking about this goals stuff. Another (ulterior) reason is just so I have ideas on how to formulate goals and approaches for myself. Say if each one of us in the community puts the answer to this question on our site.. it may make it easier to know even what one might want to read more of? Since there are many levels of goals, Iā€™m also curious to see how people think about this.

Kartik Agaram 2022-05-20 06:13:34

A more structured webring? Random site from the same city/state/country/solar system.

Konrad Hinsen 2022-05-20 06:15:09

Kartik Agaram I agree that it is possible and in certain ways advantageous not to specialize too early on some application domain. But I doubt that any concrete project (real, working code) can aim to be general purpose. The people whose life we want to make easier come from various backgrounds and have widely different goals. Often those goals are defined by existing technology. And I doubt many people have the wish to "learn programming". It's nerds like us who have such strange ideas šŸ˜‰

Jason Morris 2022-05-20 16:35:24

Shalabh my use case is "Rules as Code" which is an approach to policy development, public admin, regulatory drafting, and compliance. So laws, mostly. The tech is symbolic AI (specifically, stable model constraint answer set programming) applied to legal knowledge representation and reasoning, with a user-friendly interface. Combining "user-friendly" with "symbolic AI" is the FoC part.

Tom Larkworthy 2022-05-22 08:37:11

I keep drafting a reply to this thread but keep giving up. I guess it's a good exercise.

I think my overall goal is to shorten the development loop. Remove everything that is not strictly necessary, this included build tools, but also switching to reactive hot code reloading and other technologies that make iterating much faster. I build on Observable because it solved most of the main issues already, but I was thinking along these lines when I tried to develop a functional reactive animation system called Animaxe in 2016

I see observable as the proper realizing of what Animaxe was ineffectively grasping at, so I just need to upgrade Observable to be able to program the things I am interested in i.e. backend programming, hence

Jack Rusher 2022-05-22 09:51:54

Tom Larkworthy Have you used any systems with faster feedback than hot-reloading?

Tudor Girba 2022-05-22 20:16:35

šŸ¦ Tudor Girba: Our goal at @feenkcom is to make systems explainable. In particular, their inside.


šŸ¦ Konrad Hinsen (šŸ˜ @NickSmit_ @jonathoda @chatur_shalabh @jackrusher Same for me. And I think it would help a lot if people made a better effort to document their goals, not just their work. Also "deep goals" and not just superficial ones.

Amit Rathore 2022-05-19 22:17:41

I started Awake with the publicly stated goal (March 2019) of co-creating 100M new jobs through 10M digital entrepreneurs, by building a more fair Internet

Building In Public is a great way to go

Nick Arner 2022-05-20 21:23:25

New guest post on the blog from my friend Anton (; Visual Debugging Now!

Includes a project proposal that some in this community may find interesting to take up

Ivan Lugo 2022-05-20 21:51:21

This post is making my pulse race. Iā€™m actually a bit emotional, heh. I have been struggling so.. damn.. hard to find people that can succinctly put in to words the different ways the sides of the programming and development worlds all are trying to converge on one thing: Seeing what the hell youā€™re doing.

If I may be allowed a minor plug, the #share-your-work has a link to my project where I try to tackle this very thing. Itā€™s specifically the idea of viewing code , but Iā€™m working on finding and building the tools that let you do the analysis - Swift is really, really lacking in this respect so far. That means things like runtime state poking, type lookups and definitions etc, are all gated by the big barrier between the high level language and all the goodies that C provides.

In Python there are readily available viz modules, and people use them. They suck because theyā€™re mostly not interactive and are effectively stuck in the 70s.

This is the sentence that does it for me. I feel it viscerally, and I just canā€™t write, think, or learn fast enough to get my ideas into code.

Nick Arner 2022-05-20 21:56:01

Any interest in chatting about this further?

Nick Arner 2022-05-20 21:56:12

Agree re: swift! That would be great as well

Ivan Lugo 2022-05-20 21:56:33

Absolutely interested in chatting more ā¤ Iā€™m in the code now even, haha

Nick Arner 2022-05-20 21:56:52

Are you on Twitter?

Ivan Lugo 2022-05-20 21:57:22

I just uncogwebbed it actually, yes, haha. @FeeTiki I believe.

Nick Arner 2022-05-20 22:00:38


Nick Arner 2022-05-20 22:00:41

just made a group dm

Ivan Lugo 2022-05-20 22:01:02

TIL thereā€™s a group DM.

Nick Arner 2022-05-20 22:01:17

(on twitter dot com)

Tom Larkworthy 2022-05-22 20:55:27

(I split this out of the deep goals thread) Jack Rusher asks:

Tom Larkworthy Have you used any systems with faster feedback than hot-reloading?


Just to clarify what I mean by hot-code reload vs live-reload. Live reload is a full restart on a program on change, which loses state, vs hot-code reloading where only changed code is reloaded which maintains program state between partial restarts.

But I would say Observable is a little beyond hot-reload because it's also the notebook format so program output and code is interleaved, so it that removes a context switch between IDE and program output and gives you a REPL vibe inline too. But thats as advanced as I have got so far for fast feedback. Can I do better?!