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Jimmy Miller 2022-04-12 15:12:28

Man Computer Symbiosis - J.C.R. Licklider (

In our first series of episodes going through some papers ( we discuss man-computer symbiosis.

If I were to put together a list of the most influential papers in computer science this would definitely make the list. The paper is really the first paper that imagines personal computing. While it may not have predicting everyone owning a computer. It definitely imagined a future that looks quite similar to the one we have today.

I think the other striking thing about this paper is just how practically minded it was. It says a large vision, but also talks about a way to achieve it. In some ways it feels mundane today, but I think this mundanity is actually its virtue. If you are looking for a paper to learn from for proposing your own idea in the future of coding, this is a great paper to consider.

Definitely worth a read

Mariano Guerra 2022-04-13 08:11:49

I went to visit some Le Corbusier houses in Stuttgart and they felt "mundane", then I realized it's because the future they presented in the 1920s became reality and to us now it's just "a house". Weird way for successful predictions to not stand out 🙂

Mariano Guerra 2022-04-13 08:12:27

Regarding presentation style, I find old papers' presentation style much more accessible than new ones 😕

Personal Dynamic Media 2022-04-16 01:57:05

I loved the episode. Thank you and I look forward to more! Also thanks for mentioning the slack. I don't remember how I found your podcast, but I was unaware of the slack.

On his comment about computers being too fast and expensive for a computer to be used by just one person, I suspect he was claiming that computers are so fast that one person would not fully utilize the computing power. This means much of it would be wasted without timesharing, which would be bad because of how expensive they are. Now, of course, they are cheap enough that we are okay with most computers not being fully utilized most of the time.

Christopher Shank 2022-04-17 21:14:20

“Meaningful Modeling: What’s the Semantics of ‘Semantics’?” by Harel. On the importance of clear semantics for visual and modeling programming languages:

In general, people tend to take diagrams too lightly, finding it difficult to consider a collection of graphics serious enough to be a language and profound enough to be the real thing. Perhaps the blame lies with the early failure of visual programming techniques to replace conventional programming languages.

As a result, we often see the doodling phenomenon—a mindset that says diagrams are what an engineer scribbles on the back of a napkin, but the real work is done with textual languages.

Sadly, too many language designers and methodologists share this view. Some find it difficult to understand why we can’t simply add more graphical notations to a visual formalism without spoiling an easy to understand semantics by introducing special cases or concept combinations that contradict each other. For example, in private communication, people have proposed all kinds of extensions to statecharts, such as (actual quotes) a new kind of arrow that “means synchronization” and a new kind of box that “means separate-thread concurrency.”[…]000/Meaningful-modeling-Whats-the-semantics-of-semantics.pdf

Christopher Shank 2022-04-17 21:16:21

Another great paper touching similar topics "The Next 700 Semantics: A Research Challenge” by @ShriramKMurthi

William Taysom 2022-04-18 04:17:54

Good old Harel. A lot of math notation likewise has a weird tension with doodling.