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xyzzy 2022-03-28 00:30:35

I have been dogfooding my literate programming tool wheel. So far I have been able to develop multiple webapps, a game and even a C++ based desktop app with it. I also think LP can be invaluable in managing your programming notes and system admin commands, not to mention writing html based books. You can checkout all the project links here.

I dub my approach to LP as procedural literate programming. Instead of developing new syntax, I use string substitution based approaches common in web development which is more flexible than all the other approaches to literate programming so far, including the original cweb.

I think the fundamental mistake that people seem to be making with LP is using it to describe algorithms rather than code history, code inspirations, bug stories, features and any other context surrounding code like tests / security. This means that git commit messages can be skipped with LP in some sense. While complex algorithms definitely can use lengthy descriptions, you can assume your reader is a programmer and just show code as is for everyday code. I suppose if you want to keep existing ways of working with code you can copy paste the diffs manually back into the literate source code, but a well integrated IDE could perhaps avoid this step and allow you to use both workflows simultaneously.

Last year I participated in a few jams which allowed me to explore different approaches to LP. I have developed a comment based code extraction and animation approach to LP called Loom and I was able to develop a very basic IDE using PyQt. It turns out that LP has a lot in common with Xanadu and Web because fundamentally they all are hypertext systems. Talk about a wild coincidence! Like Xanadu, LP is heavily dependent on two-way links called transclusions. If anyone knows Ted Nelson here I would love to tell him about my findings about how a transclusion based browser can act as an IDE to LP.

I also found that LP can act a glue tool for generative programming. You can create multiple DSLs and pipe them through external scripts, while presenting just the DSL to the reader. This is something I am exploring in a compiler project where I am trying to generate C code from YAML.

As of now I think LP is a huge plus for solo developers juggling multiple projects. Reading code in an understandable order allows you to pick up code where you left off. No wonder Knuth was so productive with it. You can checkout demos for wheel, PyQt IDE and Loom on youtube. I have also created a screencast recently to showcase my workflow with sublime

Konrad Hinsen 2022-03-28 07:07:25

I think the fundamental mistake that people seem to be making with LP is using it to describe algorithms rather than code history, code inspirations, bug stories, features and any other context surrounding code like tests / security.

This sounds a bit strange to me. The original goal of literate programming, as introduced by Donald Knuth, was to formulate algorithms in a pedagogical way. I wouldn't call that goal a mistake. Maybe literate programming is not the best way to achieve it, but then... what is?

That said, I am perfectly fine with your approach, which is more in line with the various notebooks that have appeared over the last years. From my perspective as a long-time user of Emacs-plus-org-mode, I'd say you are doing org-mode with Web technology.

But I think this approach misses something essential: the algorithms on which all the high-level stuff ultimately depends. I want those algorithms to be just as accessible to readers as the high-level outline. With notebooks and friends, they disappear in a black box instead.

Tom Larkworthy 2022-03-28 08:47:03

I am super into LP too, I use Observablehq, and I love mixing in tweets into my notebooks. You can tell a whole story, so you can connect a LP story to internet media (or in my opinion you should do). I also dogfooding my experience here 💬 #share-your-work@2022-03-21T10:38:10.612Z

I also think git is less needed in LP situation, you just need the rollback safety features, and merging for team workflow. Funny enough we discussed that organically last week!

xyzzy 2022-03-28 11:49:07

Tom Larkworthy

Yes its about the story! Does Observablehq allow you to embed content from other blocks, like noweb ? Jupyternotebook can't really do that and it is just linear. It is crucial to have that so that you can explain code in any order.

Konrad Hinsen

To take quick sort as an example, I would

  • show the video of quick sort first
  • show the unit test second
  • explain the history of the algorithm
  • explain any trivia
  • give a brief explanation of the algorithm along with common bugs
  • put up personal anecdotes
  • put the complete quick sort code rather than go into details like declarations, loops, recursion ...

I find examples going into too much details while completely missing 1-6

In the LP wiki quick sort is described as

<<public declarations>>=

void quicksort(void * base, size_t num_elements, size_t element_size,

        int (*comparer)(const void *, const void *));


void quicksort(void * base, size_t num_elements, size_t element_size,

        int (*comparer)(const void *, const void *))


  <<quicksort declarations>>

 <<check termination condition>>

  <<select a pivot>>

  <<partition the array>>

  <<recursively sort each subpartition>>


I would basically avoid declaration chunks like the above snippet ... unless its really a complex algorithm. Most everyday code in apps is far too simple to warrant such detail.

Tom Larkworthy 2022-03-28 12:51:50

yes, observable is dataflow driven and features non-linear (topological) execution order

Konrad Hinsen 2022-03-28 16:33:26

xyzzy I think the challenge is to link all that together.

Example: I have a notebook that calls a function called quicksort. As a reader, I want to figure out what it does.

First step: look up the code that is actually called. That's your step 7, and should be trivial, which it is in a good IDE but (so far) it is not in notebook-like environments. The only other piece that a code analysis could lead to is unit tests (your step 2).

Everything else would be annotations added by the developer, so now we are in the "documentation" category. Donald Knuth's prose gets complemented by other media, links to Wikipedia, etc. All the niceties that didn't exist at Knuth's time. But that's just a technology update, not a fundamental improvement compared to the LP of the past.

xyzzy 2022-03-28 17:54:56

Roughly speaking what I propose is not an update on LP, anything that implements tangle and mangle is LP, but an update on the code documentation genre / style. The final LP document should read like a history book as opposed to technical description of the code. My goal is to capture the evolution of all technical decisions made in a project, algorithms unless they are critical ... like say complex signal processing are of secondary importance.

Tom Larkworthy 2022-03-29 07:54:46

This one was a style I liked BIG intro to topic, executable tests, actual implementation was really done elsewhere. Sorta looks more like a text book in the end. I have a change log for the history, though I tend to be quite terse on on that bit. I don't think history is very interesting if you end up reading about doing something that 3 months later is deleted and replaced with a different way. I use history to answer... did anything change since I last looked?

If you want an overview of how a whole community is using LP (which is different to how I do it) I have a 100 of the best here:-

xyzzy 2022-03-29 11:16:09

I like obervablehq's style! What a difference it makes to show examples and tests first. In many ways blogs are literate programs too.

While a history approach may not seem useful for discussing math heavy topics, it becomes very useful for showcasing project evolution.

Right now I am evaluating DuctapeJS and Lua. Instead of throwing the final code away, I will just add a section on scripting engine under early prototypes chapter for example.

Let us say a project is changing from apache to Nginx or from REST to Graphql, all these can be discussed in github issues and then the code changes can be documented. Heck, you can even have a toggle button to show old code - as I am using web stuff for doing LP, this is entirely possible. I right now use a "DEV" flag to hide stripe API keys.

Many decisions like framework choice, architecture choice, requirements can go into LP. Why are you building the damn thing in the first place ? When a function is deprecated I would like that to be documented too. Right now this is scattered in pm tools, github issues, mails, ad-hoc documents and commit messages. Apart from examples and tests, add a tutorial and user guide if you are building a reusable library. I am using wheel to build everyday polyglot webapps, where most decisions are actually related to UI, so I am also documenting colorschemes 🙂

Szymon Kaliski 2022-03-29 16:38:37

hey everyone, check out this programming-and-drawing exploration we worked on together with Ivan Reese and Marcel Goethals at Ink&Switch a couple of months ago -

Jimmy Miller 2022-03-29 17:29:34

I always love little gems hidden in source code

Crosscut ran into an error.

 Please try a 10-finger reload.

 If that proves unsuccessful,

 you must delete Crosscut,

 and lose all your work.

 Would you like to say a few words?

No one will read them, but your feelings will be set free.
Ivan Reese 2022-03-29 17:33:41

Backstory — we had a retreat for all the lab folks back in December, and we were going to do some user testing of the prototype. But there were a bunch of really easy-to-hit crashes. (Still are — yay, prototypes). So as a quick hack, I added an input handler for 10 fingers that'd just run location.reload() or whatever. Of course, that only worked for some of the crashes.. so I wrote this error message as a prompt() so that people could.. vent.

Ivan Reese 2022-03-29 17:34:32

Turns out, people hit this error a lot, and there was a lot of venting. But it had the intended effect — laughter overcame the frustration of losing your work.

Chris Knott 2022-03-29 18:33:13

The way Excel does "loops" it by smart autofill from examples. I feel like that would be the most natural fit...?

I don't know if this is impossible to implement, but I think my dream would be to just copypaste as many as I think I need, box-select them, then be able to edit the 'count' box to adjust dynamically.

Chris Knott 2022-03-29 18:33:50

(obviously there's a lot to love here, I skipped straight to criticism because it was presented as a FoC-nerdsnipe)

Chris Knott 2022-03-29 18:36:05

copypaste as many as I think I need, box-select them, then be able to > edit the 'count' box > to adjust dynamically.

This would require 'count' to be more semantically aware, and count copied items as single entities.

Mariano Guerra 2022-04-01 10:07:02

📝 New post in the "History of No-Code" series

🖱 Peridot: Creating User Interfaces Using Programming by Example, Visual Programming, and Constraints (1987)


Tom Larkworthy 🕰️ 2022-03-21 10:38:10

So the AI tarot reading app is done:

It has been programmed entirely within Observable. Production traffic is routed through the developers notebook if you have it open, so you can observe the system live. I exploit observables dataflow so each step of the processing pipeline is cached, so you can see exactly where a problem occurred, and thanks to hot code reload, you can fix a bug and have the pipeline continue without rerunning prior steps allowing easy iterative programming workflows. Of course, because Observable notebooks are executing Javascript, you can attach a debugger too (even programmatically)

One click forkable, MIT licensed.

This is what I think the future of software development should look like. But I am struggling to communicate this well. The idea is to make cloud programming feel local, to exclusively test in prod, because when you are hitting third party APIs its a waste of effort mocking a staging environment, or a local environment. I want to remove the thick layers of indirection in the development process that no longer make sense. Forget git, forget toolchains, just straight to prod using modern Javascript, debugged with the authoritative debuggers built into browsers.

Tom Larkworthy 2022-04-02 15:45:44

Good question about production errors... and timely. I had an issue popup. I thought the fact I can debug and step through the server code would be enough, but retrospectively obvious in hindsight, of course that does not help for those heisenberg bugs that happen in production for unexpected situations. I had just such an issue occur.

Anyway, the bug was that the server would break against malformed requests. A classic case of not checking my preconditions. It was quite easy to generate a malformed request as anyone who clicked the API link in the backend notebook source would generate such a request. But all I saw was the server would break after a while randomly. Turns out even though I had Sentry setup, it does not notify caught exceptions and Observable's runtime catches errors.

To find the error I resorted to exporting a notebooks state using flatdata. I had to create a method for exporting a notebooks state first (

Once I could see the cell "validatedConfig" was unexpectedly throwing it was fairly obvious what the programming mistake was. Then it became obvious why Sentry was not detecting it. So I created a generic catchAll method that creates a global notebook error handler (, and from there I could upgrade my Sentry integration to capture notebook runtime exceptions too (

So now those random errors in prod should be picked up by sentry, and sentry is awesome because it includes the context and line numbers (pictured)

So now the answer to detecting bugs in prod is to just use Sentry! What's cool about using a browser as the backend is that a single Sentry installation covers both frontend AND backend monitoring. That same sentry setup is present and active regardless of whether using the whitelabel domain ( the front end notebook ( the backend notebook (, the webcode API endpoint (;api) or the application embedded in Medium ( You integrate a single state-of-the-art production monitoring solution and cover all bases with a single tool.

📷 image.png

Gregor 2022-04-03 16:04:15

Hey muchaches, I've been quietly consuming the newsletter&podcast these months...errr..years (thankslots Steve, Mariano, Ivan and all of you for the inputs+inspiration!) while slowly working on my side-project: Tofu. When thinking of this community, I always place Tofu as more of an attempt at the near-future-of-programming. It does not aim for revolution as much as many of the cool things here (booo incrementalism boo boo).

Anyway, after years of working on it and using it on my own, I want to slowly start letting people in and this community is prime for me there. It is currently an experimental extension for VSCode for structurally yet fluidly editing JS & TS. If you don't have VSCode installed, you can also use it within your browser here (there should be a pop-up asking if you want to install the Tofu extension). If you do have VSCode, here's a link to the extension in the marketplace.

Feedback of all kinds wanted and welcome (here or over in the GH issues)!

Jack Rusher 2022-04-03 17:05:59

A small video where you edit some things and talk us through the process would be nice 🙂

Paul Kuruvilla 2022-04-03 17:46:40

Second this, a video would be helpful!

Gregor 2022-04-03 21:51:21

That is an excellent point, I shall deliver a video in my next side project time slot