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Deepak Karki 2022-01-23 23:35:03 - A bit of a meta discussion on research and impact!

In Andreas Zeller’s talk “On Impact in Software Engineering Research”, he presents a number of lessons from and for high-impact research:

  • Work on a real problem

  • Assume as little as possible

  • Keep things simple

  • Have a sound model

  • Keep on learning

  • Keep on moving

  • Build prototypes

Andreas Zeller is faculty at the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security and professor for Software Engineering at Saarland University, both in Saarbrücken, Germany. His research on automated debugging, mining software archives, specification mining, and security testing has won several awards for its impact in academia and industry. Zeller is an ACM Fellow, an IFIP Fellow, an ERC Advanced Grant Awardee, and holds an ACM SIGSOFT Outstanding Research Award.

Shubhadeep Roychowdhury 2022-01-24 13:14:52

The Design and Implementation of the Wolfram Language Compiler (2020) [pdf] -

Cole Lawrence 2022-01-26 17:23:51 dissolution message moved to #present-company 💬 #present-company@2022-01-26T17:39:38.029Z

Cole Lawrence 2022-01-26 17:33:53

Ivan Reese this feels a bit more #present-company now looking back through the channels… shall I move it?

Cole Lawrence 2022-01-26 17:34:27

Or even possibly #introduce-yourself 🤔

Chris Granger 2022-01-26 17:35:52

present company seems right based on previous such messages

Chris Granger 2022-01-26 17:35:58

Sorry to hear Cole 😞

Cole Lawrence 2022-01-26 17:38:00

Thanks. I got a lot of enjoyment out of the journey, though. And, it really helped me develop my “product owner” identity and skillset.

Andreas S. 2022-01-27 09:36:40

What are your thoughts 💭 on this: to me it feels like a mesh up of many different things I’ve seen before. It’s like a tagging mechanism for HTML websites with a very simple local table store.

Jason Morris 2022-01-27 21:54:08

I feel like with the advent of semantic web, this is how all bookmarks should behave in future.

Tom Larkworthy 2022-01-27 21:59:37

I quite like the idea of userspace reusable blocks The blocks living above the level of a single application. I wonder if I should prototype something.

Christopher Galtenberg 2022-01-27 22:17:57

A JSpolsky production, interesting

React/web-component/other – umm

There are various different implementations of embedding applications and blocks which would be compliant with the protocol, but not with one another.

The ultimate goal of the Block Protocol and supporting ecosystem is that any embedding application should be able to render any block, if both are correctly configured.

In order to achieve this, embedding applications will need to have strategies for handling blocks which are implemented in different ways.

ie, code for react and web components and other – I don't get it

No mention on what the data supplier or ownership should be

Eventually there'll be a "BlockHub"

Tom Larkworthy 2022-01-27 22:31:40

yeah that seems the most important bit of a protocol, the data exchange and how its rendered but its kinda missing. They did say its a draft I guess.

Rob Haisfield 2022-01-28 02:27:47

I’m super curious what other limitations you end up noticing

Alexey Shmalko 2022-01-28 03:06:37

Skimmed through the spec:

  • The protocol is only concerned with blocks <--> "embedding app" communication. "Embedding app" is any application that wants to use blocks to render some data
  • The data is owned by the app. And it has to implement all aspects of fetching/watching/updating/storing data.
  • There is zero discussion of how different apps should communicate (if at all). No discussion of how to export/migrate data between apps
  • The protocol defines data and functions that embedding app needs to provide to blocks.
  • The protocol does not define the mechanism to provide these. That's why React/iframe/web-components are possible compatible implementations (though unspecified). This can potentially fragment the ecosystem, so iiuc they plan to spec this as well
  • The spec also does not define how blocks are distributed, how end users can search or add them

This does not seem like "userspace reusable blocks". This is rather a spec for devs to create compatible components that can be used by other devs.

Ciaran Morinan 2022-01-28 13:47:06

Hey, I work on this - Alexey has a good read on the aims and scope of the protocol.

Some thoughts:

[Different implementations of blocks] can potentially fragment the ecosystem, so iiuc they plan to spec this as well

We’re conscious of multiple implementation approaches potentially leading to fragmentation, with React-implemented blocks limited to applications who are happy to ship React, and other variations.

It’s a tricky balance to strike between freedom for the block author (i.e. can they implement it how they want, or must they use X) and work for the embedding application (how many different flavours of block implementation do they need to deal with - albeit we can provide libraries for this to save every application rolling their own).

The spec also does not define how blocks are distributed, how end users can search or add them

The spec does not define this, and I’m not sure we want to require that people use particular distribution methods, but we do provide one - at a very early, too-manual stage - and have an API which allows callers to filter blocks by keywords, or by data structure (i.e. pass a data structure and you will be returned blocks which have a schema compatible with that data structure).

Ciaran Morinan 2022-01-28 13:49:34

Any and all thoughts and prototypes are encouraged and welcomed!

Ciaran Morinan 2022-01-28 13:50:31

The FAQ and Joel’s blog post also hopefully offer more insight into the motivation for the project and its relation to others.

Andrew F 2022-01-28 17:50:12

At what point is it actually a "protocol", i.e. what are the communicating parties and what are they saying? I'd accept if it was just a "protocol" between a web page and an embedded block, but from this thread apparently not even that is specified in detail?

If Alexey is correct that this spec doesn't want to address data ownership, inter-app communication or code distribution, I don't see how it can make a significant difference on its stated goals of data portability. It just looks like a moderately ambitious UI framework, and honestly I'm irritated to have waded through so much grandiose language in both the website and Spolsky's blog post to come to that conclusion. Even if I'm wrong about that, please update the docs to be less obtuse about the project actually is.

Andrew F 2022-01-28 21:05:03

Ah, I think @Ciaran Morinan replied to my HN question.

blocks can have their own local state, but to persist data beyond the session should make use of the operations defined in the spec to pass data back to the application

That's actually kind of interesting. I think something like that needs to be in the first couple hundred words of the pitch, though, if not actually above the fold on the homepage.

Deepak Karki 2022-01-28 16:25:49

Tudor Girba discusses Moldable Development,

a way of programming through which we construct custom tools for every development problem.

Prathyush 2022-01-28 20:39:40

Hey guys, not sure if this is totally aligned with interest of future of coding, mods feel free to remove the post if it isn’t. I put together this list of “knowledge atlases” which structure the different dependencies between topics across fields for self learners:

🐦 Prathyush: Here is a curation of websites for all the self learners out there! Knowledge Atlases: A catalogue of portals with roadmaps for self learners —