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Mariano Guerra 2021-12-05 14:25:11

🐝 Day 4 of Advent of Future of Code: TODO App with Wasp

Check instructions here:

🧵 Conversation about the task as comments to this message!

Chris Rabl 2021-12-06 07:05:36

Hey folks! I've been working on a language for quickly sketching out app ideas/user flows, inspired by the concept of a "software breadboard" from Basecamp's Shape Up methodology ( it's definitely not ready for prime time yet, but I think it's got the bones of a decently expressive rapid prototyping language. Feel free to play around with the demo at Source code is on GitHub: Curious to hear your feedback!

Christopher Galtenberg 2021-12-06 07:12:39

This is really nice – also I love DSL->diagram in general

Mariano Guerra 2021-12-06 12:59:16

⚛ Day 5 of Advent of Future of Code: Minimalist Computing with Mu

Check instructions here:

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Jack Rusher 2021-12-07 11:47:22

Something for all the minimalist and retro-computing fans:

🐦 ⸘Jack Rusher‽: I thought it'd be fun to recreate the first Truchet tiling I ever saw:

10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10

... as a standalone x86 operating system.

Assembly source code and instructions to make a #BootableTruchet floppy to try with qemu:


Yousef El-Dardiry 2021-12-08 12:43:18

Hi all! I’ve been diving into CRDT tech lately to build local-first collaborative apps. So far I had a great experience with Yjs - but I found the API a bit cumbersome.

I’ve been working a new open source library to make it really easy to work with state that’s shared across multiple users and that syncs automatically. It supports React, Vue, Svelte, or plain javascript.

By using Javascript Proxies, the API looks just like a regular app, e.g.: store.todos.push( { completed: true, title: "write code" } ); - and the Reactive Programming model makes it effortless to listen to changes.

Anway, I just put it live on - would really welcome your feedback!

PS: it’s also on HN (see “show” page), comments / votes there are always appreciated to help a fellow FoCer ;)

Florian Schulz 2021-12-11 05:39:33

I think this is a perfect use case for Proxies! Because there’s no new API for modifying data structures, the sync behavior can even be implemented (enabled) into an existing application retrospectively. Looking forward to give it a try!

Tom Larkworthy 🕰️ 2021-12-03 08:08:00

Hi, I have built a serverless runtime for called This extends Observable's reactive notebooks to the backend. Its unique features are instant deploys, and it can redirect traffic to your browser, so you can do devtool or console.log debugging against production traffic. It's a unique way of sharing code across frontend and backend.

My aim is to create a serverless environment that is a pleasure to use as a developer. I am really desperate for feedback, so if you give it a go let know the positives and negatives.

Tom Larkworthy 2021-12-08 13:54:33

Why webcode is different

  • a notebook is both front end and the backend and the technical documentation and the code repository and runtime. True seamless code sharing. No additional infra required. corrorally -> libraries can be packaged as frontend and backend too
  • The environment is 100% browser. No tools to install. No "pip install", no "webpack", no compiling. You can do it all from a chromebook or mobile device, for instance
  • It takes about 40ms for code changes to become visible remotely. Compared to 2 mins for lambda. The inner development loop is supercharged. You can develop live in prod. The iteration speed is incredible, partly due to instant deploys, partly due to Observable hot code reloading No setup required, its like that out of the box.
  • True production debugging using vanilla browser tools. No simulacrum of a debugger. It's just the normal debugger everyone already uses, which means other debugging technology can be layered on top without problems (e.g. time travel debugging

This is built on Observablehq, so it gets all its FoC features. Literate programming, Commenting, 1-click forking, version control, Functional Reactive Programming env, partial recompilation etc. No need for Github or git, remember, this is 100% browser based, you get all this on any device that supports a web browser. You can fix and deploy things on your mobile phone.

You can manage a whole microservice, including technical documentation and project management, in a single page of web editable code. For instance, this twitter bot is hosted on webcode This is a whole IndieAuth oauth server. (

Allan Campopiano 2021-12-08 19:43:28

👋 We are discussing the future of analytics engineering and notebooks — Coalesce @ 5:25 EST today!

yeT 2021-12-08 23:24:01

For future, is there a calendar of ~FoC events? Would have loved to make time for this but didn't check slack til a bit later tonight

Mariano Guerra 2021-12-10 12:47:30

📓 Day 6 of Advent of Future of Code: Reactive Codebooks with TypeCell

Check instructions here:

🧵 Conversation about the task as comments to this message!

Yousef El-Dardiry 2021-12-10 13:03:31

Thanks Mariano Guerra Aside from the videos I shared earlier on FoC, this is the first time to (semi-)publicly share my progress on TypeCell. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

Yousef El-Dardiry 2021-12-10 13:03:31

Thanks Mariano Guerra Aside from the videos I shared earlier on FoC, this is the first time to (semi-)publicly share my progress on TypeCell. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

Kartik Agaram 2021-12-11 02:20:28

Here's my video:

Hope it's not too negative; I think I may have gotten out on the wrong side of my bed today 😑 I do think it's an interesting project, and there were a couple of nice aha moments in there.

Yousef El-Dardiry 2021-12-12 11:02:10

Very confronting and useful at the same time. Thanks so much for recording this Kartik Agaram!