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William Taysom 2021-11-22 07:31:11

Kent Bye has an especially wide ranging with Jeri Ellsworth about her VR work on his Voices of VR podcast

Beyond the interesting tech (concisely described here, we have:

• weirdness and perils of Valve's flat org structure,

• Ellsworth telling corporate nondisclosure interests to shove it,

• weirdness and perils of venture capital,

• developing the right savvy to tell VC to shove it, and finally

• successfully kickstarting a product with that innovative tech.

Have any of you tried Tilt Five

Scott Anderson 2021-11-22 18:57:16

Need to listen to this, Jeri Ellsworth interviews are always great. She's done quite a few interviews with AMP hour as well. The demise of CastAR is really good, and Tilt Five rose from the ashes of that company

Gleb Posobin 2021-11-22 13:05:09

Some bank runs on python scripts stored in a database, together with a custom editor, job runner, dependency tracker this basically gives them a more powerful version of an excel spreadsheet that is more accessible than say git + any production-ready deployment method. Very interesting and thought-provoking post, highly recommend:

Florian Schulz 2021-11-23 06:52:46

Such an interesting read! Thanks for sharing! Reminded me about a few terms I‘ve overheard in the energy trading sector, too.

Gleb Posobin 2021-11-23 13:46:28

Sounds like software engineering sector is quite behind all the others 🙂

Paul Tarvydas 2021-11-23 04:31:31

Alan Kay interviewed by Joe Armstrong (2016)

23:49 mention of PEGs

31:50 In a ‘real’ Computer Science, the best languages of an era should serve as ’assembly code” for the next generation of expression.

59:43 mathematics is not reality

1:00:50 confusing the-means-to-an-end as an end

1:01:53 - Monads is too much of a kludge

[thanks to Rajiv Abraham for pointing me at this video]

Andreas S. 2021-11-27 09:12:40

Here are my notes for that talk from my Zettelkasten:

Codemesh IO 2016 Interview with Joe Armstrong

tags: #alan_kay #conference #talk #youtube #joe_armstrong

Book: Arthur Koestler - the act of Creation

some comments from twitter, mostly regarding his critique of monads:

🎥 Joe Armstrong & Alan Kay - Joe Armstrong interviews Alan Kay

🐦 Brian T. Rice: Monads were literally the first abstraction to do this and definitely not the best.

🐦 deech: Kay: We need to pass state safely Haskell: Monads are designed for exactly this Kay: HOW BLIND CAN YOU BE! 1:02m:10s

🐦 deech: Kay: We need to pass state safely Haskell: Monads are designed for exactly this Kay: HOW BLIND CAN YOU BE! 1:02m:10s

🐦 deech: "The best languages of an era should be the assembly code for the next". 31m:50s. Yes! Plan for obsolesence!

Andreas S. 2021-11-27 09:16:17

The ability to discuss things where people do not agree to each other or are not trusting each other is still lacking today

Mariano Guerra 2021-11-23 19:32:56

Peritext: A CRDT for Rich-Text Collaboration

William Taysom 2021-11-24 04:21:19

Seems applicable to any sort of multi-typed range markup. Timelines/calendaring come to mind.

Arvind Thyagarajan 2021-11-24 17:52:59

in the case of colours perhaps blend-mode is a possibility instead of a conflict?

📷 image.png

Deepak Karki 2021-11-27 02:41:09

The Software Foundations series is a broad introduction to the mathematical underpinnings of reliable software.>

The principal novelty of the series is that every detail is one hundred percent formalized and machine-checked: the entire text of each volume, including the exercises, is literally a “proof script” for the Coq proof assistant.

The exposition is intended for a broad range of readers, from advanced undergraduates to PhD students and researchers. No specific background in logic or programming languages is assumed, though a degree of mathematical maturity is helpful. A one-semester course can expect to cover > Logical Foundations>  plus most of > Programming Language Foundations>  or > Verified Functional Algorithms> , or selections from both.

Deepak Karki 2021-11-27 05:27:45

Designing UIs for Static Analysis Tools

Past research has shown that static-analysis tools suffer from common usability issues such as a high rate of false positives, lack of responsiveness, and unclear warning descriptions and classifications. Although these tools have grown more complex and their industry usage has spread, those issues have remained prominent.

To address the usability issues of static-analysis tools, Lisa Nguyen et al. proposed a user-centered approach to designing these tools during the development of the analysis, as opposed to keeping the development of the analysis and its UI (user interface) separate. To this end, they defined 10 guidelines for designing the UI of an analysis tool. The authors extracted those guidelines from existing literature and a study that they have conducted across 17 static-analysis tools and 87 software developers at Software AG. The guidelines consider analysis engine requirements, user behavior, reporting platforms, and the effects of company policies on the usage and adoption of static-analysis tools.

Deepak Karki 2021-11-27 05:29:40
Alex Bit 2021-11-27 06:20:03

Thanks for sharing deepak