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Tomas Čerkasas 2021-10-18 06:57:12 - live programming workshop is happenning tomorow.

Jess Martin 2021-10-18 15:24:29

Does anyone want to do a "watch party" of LiveProg tomorrow? I'm planning to watch many/most of the sessions, and it could be cool to hang out in some space while we watch (Zoom, Slack, Discord, whatever) in order to back-channel and chat between events.

I basically miss the "hallway track" for online events like this. 😜

Jess Martin 2021-10-18 15:24:29

Does anyone want to do a "watch party" of LiveProg tomorrow? I'm planning to watch many/most of the sessions, and it could be cool to hang out in some space while we watch (Zoom, Slack, Discord, whatever) in order to back-channel and chat between events.

I basically miss the "hallway track" for online events like this. 😜

Eric Gade 2021-10-18 15:46:07

Do you all know if the talks will eventually be posted online for the general public?

David Brooks 2021-10-18 18:40:08

I'd be interested in this @Jess Martin. I have meetings until 1pm EST, but the workshop sounds amazing!

Jess Martin 2021-10-19 03:56:14

@David Brooks Cool! Looks like there's a Discord server where some backchannel may happen?

David Brooks 2021-10-19 13:31:59

Hmmm I'm not aware of any Discord server. Do you have a link @Jess Martin?

Jess Martin 2021-10-19 13:32:20

@David Brooks did you register? the invite should be in your email.

David Brooks 2021-10-19 13:34:37

Ah, I see. I thought maybe you'd be streaming the sessions that you'd be watching. I am not registered myself. @Jess Martin

Jess Martin 2021-10-19 13:34:47

@David Brooks ah, gotcha 😞

Tomas Čerkasas 2021-10-19 15:22:25

So I can’t understand is it free to watch or not. - Zurich B stream is available publicly, is it the same for Zurich F stream where Live Prog stream is supposed to be broadcasted? If so - does anyone have a link (in case it’s actually free of charge). Thanks!

Shubhadeep Roychowdhury 2021-10-18 08:06:16

The Go+ language for engineering, STEM education, and data science -

Srini Kadamati 2021-10-18 15:04:43
Jess Martin 2021-10-19 04:00:05

Mariano Guerra Geoffrey Litt and @Szymon Kaliski are all presenting at LiveProg tomorrow! Good luck, y'all! I'll be watching most of the day. 🙂

DM me if you want to meet up somewhere online to "watch together." I've got a collab space tool that I like to use for online sessions like this.

(and Jonathan Edwards is a program chair! 🎉 )

Jonathan Edwards 2021-10-19 04:35:08

I'm not a chair, but I am speaking too, at the shared session between HATRA and LIVE

Konrad Hinsen 2021-10-19 06:40:35

Looks like I'd need to register and pay $215 to watch this... and given that I could only attend the first two presentations because I am time zone challenged, I won't.

Yousef El-Dardiry 2021-10-19 09:23:36

Joining and presenting as well, see you there ✌

Jess Martin 2021-10-19 12:36:12

Konrad Hinsen yah, it's not cheap 😞

Mariano Guerra 2021-10-19 12:39:30

I will post a link to a rehearsal version of the talk after I give it

Eric Gade 2021-10-19 12:41:23

Glad several members of this community seem to be speaking at the conf. I hope to be able to see the talks online at some point in the future

Jess Martin 2021-10-19 12:59:10

@Eric Gade it says on the site that they will "try" to post the talks online afterwards. Not sure what that means, but it sounds like posting online is the plan.

Jess Martin 2021-10-19 13:42:29

If anyone else is watching LiveProg, I'm hanging out 👉 in here👈 all day, taking notes live, chatting during breaks, etc (this is an experimental tool for groups working together similar to

I'm also going to be tweeting some thoughts during the event to this twitter thread.

🐦 Jess Martin: Attending LiveProg 2021 today ( Some really interesting talks on the future of programming!

This will be my event thread where I'll post some thoughts throughout the day. (unfortunately, talks aren't streamed)

Jess Martin 2021-10-19 13:42:29

If anyone else is watching LiveProg, I'm hanging out 👉 in here👈 all day, taking notes live, chatting during breaks, etc (this is an experimental tool for groups working together similar to

I'm also going to be tweeting some thoughts during the event to this twitter thread.

🐦 Jess Martin: Attending LiveProg 2021 today ( Some really interesting talks on the future of programming!

This will be my event thread where I'll post some thoughts throughout the day. (unfortunately, talks aren't streamed)

David Brooks 2021-10-19 13:43:32

oohh I have loved croquet since the rabbit days

Jess Martin 2021-10-19 13:43:57

oh nice! you should come say hi some time today 🙂

David Brooks 2021-10-19 13:46:51

I'll do that! thanks 🙂

Mariano Guerra 2021-10-20 07:55:38

Jonathan Edwards talk and paper for "Version Control for Structure Editing" are available

Konrad Hinsen 2021-10-20 09:18:05

Thanks for all those links, they are great for catching up!

Mariano Guerra 2021-10-20 07:56:25

The keynote "Software of Computational Media" which shows webstrates among others

Eric Gade 2021-10-20 11:50:53

This was a great talk, and the system (which I hadn't heard of before) seems quite compelling

Mariano Guerra 2021-10-20 08:00:37

A prerecorded version of my talk "Instadeq: A Live Programming Environment for End User Data Analysis and Visualization"


Scott Anderson 2021-10-21 22:49:31 This thread is fun and has a lot of examples of cool embedded documentation and fancy comment diagrams. It also has a lot of examples of teams, leads and engineering managers removing embedded documentation because it doesn't fit standardized process. I know the "official" FoC stance is to not care much about standard practice (hence the focus on hobby projects, non-programmers or "less serious" domains like education and games), but this demonstrates pretty clearly how common it is for people to have good ideas and useful tools that work for them, only to have corporate process\machine cull them.

🐦 Christian Selig: When you think you're good at commenting your code but then see some of Apple's open source stuff

Scott Anderson 2021-10-21 22:50:54

🐦 👨🏻‍🔬🔭🧬: @ChristianSelig I used to do this at my old job - inject schematics into the comments. They used to be collapsible using a Sublime Text plugin. Nobody liked it from the team and I was told to stop. 🥲

Scott Anderson 2021-10-21 22:57:26

For the record I'm actually not a huge fan of documentation in comments or explanation in comments (how or why), and I prefer outside documentation if possible, and why in commit messages and/or change logs so a explanation can be tied to the code at a specific point in time, but I'm also a comment pragmatist . I also like links, diagrams and pseudo code or higher level code to explain hard to read sections of code (mostly math heavy stuff, or SIMD optimized, etc.)

Pretty strongly against comments that explain obvious code and definitely against out of date or incorrect (lying) comments

Srini Kadamati 2021-10-21 23:07:31

wow this epic

Kartik Agaram 2021-10-22 03:00:38

If I write a comment like that my team probably will give in the code review a comment: write this doc on confluence (and no one never will read the doc).

Kartik Agaram 2021-10-22 03:03:35

Any others anyone can spot? I'm actually more interested in the bunny trail of people killing this stuff.

Jimmy Miller 2021-10-22 03:24:21

I’ve made a few comments like this in readme’s and in code comments before. I am a big fan of long comments in codebases about why something exists or ways in which it could be improved. Big fan of explanatory commit messages, providing context around the history of things, and the avenues tried and discarded.

I used to not feel this way. But I’m really not sure now that I understand why. I would have probably said things like comments can be incorrect and/or misleading. But I guess I actually find that fact useful, rather than harmful. If the author thought their code did one thing and it actually did another, knowing that is good for me. Or if the code has changed its purpose overtime, I can discover that via that comment.

As I’ve had to fix more and more code, learning the history and purpose of the code is incredibly useful. Having to infer that san-comments is much harder. (It goes without saying that I don’t mean comments like “set x to 2”)

I am emphatically anti-external documentation. I think that is the single greatest way to make the documentation 1) not written 2) not read and 3) not helpful. External documentation means I have to know that I need to know something. When I’m reading code, why would I expect there to be something in a totally separate context telling me about this code?

(Linking is not and answer. I can’t how many times I’ve read “Please see CEH1282 for more explanation” just to find just to find out that CEH was the project management tool that the company got rid of 6 years ago.)

If you want to make these sorts of diagrams and are on the mac, definitely recommend

Konrad Hinsen 2021-10-22 06:45:28

Is "internal" vs. "external" the best way to discuss documentation? Elsewhere in this community, people like to criticize that we store code in text files. Isn't that the more fundamental issue? That files( and the tools that process them) guide how we structure code and documentation? I think that the ideas from literate programming (and later computational notebooks) are more useful, even though the tools and techniques from this space are far from mature yet.

Jack Rusher 2021-10-22 07:12:36

In the beforetimes, comments like this were more common. There's even an emacs mode for drawing them:

Chris Knott 2021-10-22 12:35:08

Internal vs external seems a decent distinction to me. The whole point of comments is they are unavoidably attached to a particular piece of code. Clearly external documentation is lacking something, as it always existed and yet people developed this practice of annotating the code in-place.

Konrad Hinsen 2021-10-22 12:55:02

For me the more fundamental distinction is documentation that guides to the code vs. documentation that answers questions raised by the code. The latter is what I would expect to find "close" to the code, e.g. in the form of comments. Guiding documentation can easily refer to many places in the code, so you can't really put it inside the same file.

Mariano Guerra 2021-10-22 14:18:38
Mariano Guerra 2021-10-24 09:50:36

Programming as Architecture, Design, and Urban Planning