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Raathi 2021-08-29 22:54:18

I’ve been tinkering with a VSCode extension called Paper. The main motivation behind Paper is to create a place to keep the things (files, folders, location within a file) I often go back to when working on a feature or fixing a bug.

I’ve been using it for a while and I find it really useful. If you have ideas or feedback feel free to share 🙂

Luke Persola 2021-08-29 23:10:10

An alternative approach would be adding bookmarks directly to the file tree view. Any thoughts about the difference between that and embedding them in a document?

Raathi 2021-08-29 23:20:08

I wanted the document to be a place where I can keep multiple things on related to a feature I’m working on. Currently the document supports a file bookmark or a bookmark to a selection in a file. Also it supports a tree view to show directories.

A document means I can add a bookmark and elaborate on it using text. It feels a bit more flexible.

I’m hoping to make the editor support more interactive views. For example a widget that shows file navigation history might be useful.

The document mostly acts like a flexible canvas to place these things on.

Cameron Yick 2021-08-29 23:59:33

Thanks for sharing this, I’ll try it this week! My initial reaction is to see it where it may replace what I currently use the bookmarks / code tour extensions for.

There’s a certain routine I go through when explaining particular features in our monorepo, it would be nice to have that collection of files marked out explicitly in a format that can drive vscode navigation rather than needing to be a separate markdown file. The vscode extension is good for this doc-drives-editor flow too, but as much as I like diagrams, sometimes blocks and lines are not space efficient.

Kartik Agaram 🕰️ 2021-08-16 06:20:49

New video about my browser for FoC archives (5 minutes):

You can try it out by downloading two files (and installing Qemu):


gunzip foc-data-20210814.img.gz

gunzip mu-browser-20210815.img.gz

qemu-system-i386 -m 2G -hda mu-browser-20210815.img -hdb foc-data-20210814.img

Main project page:

Kartik Agaram 2021-08-31 04:15:30

The Mu computer's FoC archive browser now renders most Unicode. See the before/after images below.

I'm loading 140KB of Unicode glyphs from its system font. Unicode blocks now supported: latin, greek, cyrillic, armenian, hebrew, arabic, syriac, thaana, n'ko, indian (ISCII), sinhala, thai, lao, tibetan, myanmar, georgian (< U+1100)

While this is useful in a mostly-English corpus, there are caveats for more intensive use cases:

  • No support for combining characters yet. This makes support for the other languages I know (Hindi and Tamil, which use matras) well-nigh useless.
  • GNU Unifont's glyphs for the non-Latin languages I know turn out to be quite spectacularly ugly.
Jamie Brandon 2021-09-05 02:32:15

I wrote a live repl for imp.

Still very much a hacky prototype, but it feels fun already.