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hamish todd 2021-07-26 23:12:53

Slightly idle thought. I believe that algebra (as in "algebra 101") "calls on the linguistic part of your brain". For example, the linguistic part of your brain can apply the rules of grammar to the sentence "the gostak distims the doshes" to get other sentences like "doshes are things that the gostak can distim". Just as it can rearrange "a * b / c" into "a / c * b"

Alexander Chichigin 2021-07-27 07:12:25

First, I really doubt that "algebra calls on the linguistic part of your brain" based for instance on

Alexander Chichigin 2021-07-27 07:16:53

Second, I personally have very "syntactic" (as in "apply formal rules or equations until you rewrite formula into the required form") approach to math (algebra included), but I learned that "real mathematicians" (and in general most of the people doing math) follow "semantic" approach, basing their reasoning on actual objects (or models) formulae describe and their (objects'/models') properties, and not purely formal rewriting. That feels even more distant from "linguistic processing".

Alexander Chichigin 2021-07-27 07:17:26

At least that's my impressions. 🙂

hamish todd 2021-07-27 12:18:08

We may mean different things by this. I would describe your "syntactic approach" as calling on the purely linguistic part of your brain.

I am on board with the distinction between that and reasoning about the "actual objects". In the case of code, the arrays and variables, in the case of algebra, maybe a set or a point moving through a space.

Once you're in the "I know the objects to which these symbols refer" phase, you apply logic, and that study isn't a huge surprise to me. But the rearrangement part (which isn't done by programmers as much as mathematicians) still seems linguistic to me.

Alexander Chichigin 2021-07-27 13:45:46

the rearrangement part still seems linguistic to me

It doesn't seem linguistic to me. 😁

Alexander Chichigin 2021-07-27 13:47:04

Few linguists I know have nothing to do with "syntactic rewriting" like in math. logic, that's completely alien thing to them, that's not how they work. 🤷‍♀️

Shalabh 2021-07-28 21:08:57

your brain can apply the rules of grammar to the sentence "the gostak distims the doshes" to get other sentences like "doshes are things that the gostak can distim". Just as it can rearrange "a * b / c" into "a / c * b"

I don't think the above analogy is direct - at least not how I think. In the first case I do not use rules of grammar to do the transform. I parse and "understand" the meaning. There is in an internal model in my brain and a schema. So the symbols become objects in this compact model. Now this model can be used to generate other sentences that are related in some way - I can even subtract or add information E.g. "did the gostak distims the doshes yesterday?" or "The gostaks distim some things"

This is quite different from 'grammar only' transforms which are basically identification of patterns and application of rules to those patterns, without any "understanding". I suppose in smaller cases I could understand it, e.g. (a + b) * c is a*c + b*c - that is something that makes sense. But in more complex algebra, I'm just 'looking for patterns' and matching against a 'rule database' I've memorized.

hamish todd 2021-07-30 10:57:20

@Alexander Chichigin I may be misunderstanding your reply but rewrite rules are not alien to linguistics. Phrase structure rules were one of the fundamental parts of generative grammar and are a subset of rewrite rules

"in more complex algebra, I'm just 'looking for patterns' and matching against a 'rule database' I've memorized" - also sounds like language to me

Since the words "gostak", "distim" and "doshes" are nonsense words, your only information on them (the only information you can ever get on them) is what you can infer based on how English works. I.e. there is no semantics / "understanding to be had", only syntax. There's the illusion of reasoning logically about objects, but I claim that all you can hope to do with the sentence is to apply rewrite rules (that then FEEL logical)

Alexander Chichigin 2021-07-30 12:49:46

Hamish Todd I wrote that several people I knew who were doing linguistics had nothing to do with formal rules as in mat. logic. Still they were studying the language professionally. And yep, they knew about Structural Linguistics and other stuff, but were not interested in it and were not using it.

hamish todd 2021-07-30 13:00:48

Ah ok!

Do we still disagree about algebra calling on the linguistic part of our brains though?

Alexander Chichigin 2021-07-30 13:12:05

Yep we do! 😄

Shalabh 2021-07-30 16:35:15

I.e. there is no semantics / "understanding to be had", only syntax.

The understanding is more abstract than in 'the kid eats breakfast' - but then how much of this sentence do you 'understand' too? Do you know what the kid ate? Eggs or bread? Or how - using their hands or utensils? Or did they eat it in a reasonable time? No - all that is detail that is left out. So its still a 'partial understanding' of the idea- there are many concrete possibilities of the sentence. The distims sentence is even more general. All we know there is an agent (gostak) and there is something that can be done (distim) and something that it can be done to (doshes).

I think the general pattern of 'the agent does something to some object' is a schema that we deeply understand and in our mind it can hold many similar instances with varying degrees of detail. Your original sentence immediately got parsed in my mind into this schema.

I agree that there is some kind of illusion - which is what I'm calling the internal schema and think all understanding is a kind of illusion - but isn't that the useful part of it? If you parse a sentence structure into the wrong schema, you will make the wrong internal model. This is where the language related jokes come from. E.g. the structures look similar but the schema is different for 'fruit flies like a banana' and 'time flies like an arrow'.

hamish todd 2021-07-31 13:43:51

Your original sentence immediately got parsed in my mind into this schema

I agree it's hard not to do this*. My point is that you can do certain things with the sentence regardless of what the schema is.

My claim is that algebra calls on the linguistic part of your brain, and that this is a part that can do sentence-rearrangement. Maybe the schema-inference also happens in the linguistic part of your brain. But the schema isn't required for sentence rearrangement.

Do you agree with me that we are doing productive/useful "work" in algebra with just rearrangement? You can then infer a schema, perhaps a visualization or physical interpretation, but that's optional and probably not unique.

*And I don't think you do know there is an agent. The gostak could mean something like "the general high temperature of this time of year" and distimming could be a reaction it causes. I don't know whether that qualifies as having agency.

hamish todd 2021-07-26 23:14:28

But, even though the analogy seems fairly direct to me, we are much, much better at the linguistic one. To do all but basic algebra rearrangement, I have to stare at an equation for a while, it doesn't come as naturally as the linguistic example. This is even though I've been doing this kind of thing for a while.

hamish todd 2021-07-26 23:14:53

Why isn't it as easy?

Denny Vrandečić 2021-07-27 00:34:46

"This is even though I've been doing this kind of thing for a while." I am quite sure you have spent much more time immersed in language than in algebra. Like, orders of magnitude more time.

Robin Allison 2021-07-27 17:03:14

My experience is actually just the opposite! Rearranging mathematical expressions is second hand but rearranging grammatically correct nonsense sentences kinda hurts. Even just regular sentences kinda hurts (<-- like, is this even grammatically correct?). I think natural language is somewhat more nebulous and the kind of thing you pick up on informally, whereas algebraic equations are manipulated according to a definite set of rules that you deliberately practice. So while natural language has an easier learning curve, in some cases it may also be easier to achieve mastery in algebra in the end. I'm not sure what would make the difference though.

Gordon 2021-07-29 08:10:17

Hi. Long time listener of the podcast, but only occasional lurker here since I'm an armchair future coder. Just thought I'd throw out some ideas I've been mulling over to get some feedback on their plausibility.

First: A controlled natural language (CNL) like Attempto Controlled English for precise documentation. I'd envision a sort of CI pipeline where updates to documentation trigger a series of tests, and if the documentation doesn't match the code its paired with then the tests would fail. In the other direction a CNL seems like a great starting point for program synthesis from a higher level of abstraction.

Second: A math chat bot teacher. Given a math question and its answer, can a program deduce the conceptual error(s) that led to any wrong answer? So far I have a list of possible useful technologies: SAT/SMT solvers, Prolog, ASTs, Lean, Sympy in Python. I haven't put in much actual work yet, but order of operations questions seems like a good (or easy) place to start.

After listening to an interview with Sal Khan of Khan Academy (on the 3b1b podcast) my pie in the sky idea is a chat bot that can help a student through the entire pre-k - 8th grade curriculum. Seems like a better idea than the one I had that expected kids to learn LaTeX.

Mariano Guerra 2021-07-29 09:05:54

regarding the first, have you seen cucumber?

Gordon 2021-07-29 12:28:15

Mariano Guerra Yes, but it doesn't seem to be in the same spirit as Attempto Controlled English. But it would be easier to use I guess.

Alexander Chichigin 2021-07-30 12:54:56

On the second topic, some years ago I saw some body of research on this, though in pretty early stage. I have no idea how much progress been done since, but suggest you to look for papers.

xyzzy 2021-07-30 04:31:08

What do you guys think of VR ? I think VR will kill web in the next 20 years. Social networks and forums will be replaced by something like Mozilla Hub. Blogs and e-commerce would be replaced by virtual shops and pamphlets. On the developer’s end Visual programming and design could be more intuitive in VR

Srini Kadamati 2021-07-30 11:09:50

VR is exciting in many ways but my personal feeling is that it’s not happening any time soon (minus some specific use cases like entertainment, video games, etc). The 2 main barriers IMO are interfaces and hardware.


Most apps don’t even use most of the power of current PC computing super well. The common pattern seems to be to use ~500MB to show lists of data. But outside of games and some creative tools, most apps don’t even use 2D / 3D space that well. VR is even harder to design for (we’re still in the phase of people designing mice / keyboard in VR environment, similar to how film started out as just recordings of plays).


The hardware is still super clunky (my bias!) and hard to use, even for a gaming enthusiast / nerd like me! I think ultimately the general culture is also slowly starting to get skeptical of the idea of further escaping into cyber space instead of embracing ‘the real world’. Hence why I think AR may be more attainable than VR, but that’s also very challenging for many reasons (both hardware + interfaces).

I think as it stands, VR to me hasn’t provided enough compelling examples of what it’s doing better than traditional desktop / laptop interfaces. Most of the demos I’ve seen are still just scaled up versions of desktop apps.

But maybe if someone created a non-textual, spatial, audio interface for some important ‘jobs to be done’ in VR … that could at least rely on the interface ship to compel people to deal with the hardware issues / limitations!

Jack Rusher 2021-07-30 12:50:13

I feel there are insurmountable problems with current VR tech for many users (puking, basically). My friends who run a successful studio working on VR experiences have to take Dramamine to avoid motion sickness at the office, for example.

AR, though, looks to me like a very ripe area for research in collaborative tools!

xyzzy 2021-07-30 14:23:24

Srini Kadamati My biggest gripe with the current hardware is cost and setup. I just want a 50$ VR headgear to work as an alternate to my monitor by plugging it into the usb jack. The kernel should directly send the monitor data to VR. I want to use my existing keypad and mouse as is.

Srini Kadamati 2021-07-30 15:21:34

@xyzzy ah yeah I definitely feel that! Would be nice from a development standpoint / as a standalone hardware platform

Srini Kadamati 2021-07-30 15:22:06

thats another thing that irks me, every new hardware platform is sooo attached to existing stuff. VR headsets are still very PC dependent (I know you can now use them standalone but still its in a more limited standalone way AFAIK)

Marcin Ignac 2021-07-31 10:01:46

@xyzzy well if you have $500 then Oculus Quest 2 with (Air)Link works like that (when it works). You can stream your desktop or jump to any WebXR project running on your PC. I'm using my own for development so i was able to modify and recompile parts of app live without taking the headset off. ..and then i never did it again due to connection issues, browser wanting to upgrade, blind keyboard typing being hard etc.

The cool thing is Pass Through support for apps is apparently coming to Oculus so you will be able to see your room (and keyboard). So while AR being 80% real and 20% virtual (full of tracking alignment problems), having VR+camera at 20% real and 80% virtual might be sweet spot!

xyzzy 2021-07-31 21:18:32

@Marcin Ignac The streaming quality is very poor at the moment, not to mention slow. Thats why I want it to work in the kernel directly as a display driver. I think gloves with finger sensors and some sorta key sensors can fix the keyboard location problem. I love the VR interface for movie watching but desktop streaming doesn’t cut it for everyday use. We should have had this by now!

J. Ryan Stinnett 2021-08-01 00:40:17

This thread reminded me of the VR-OS project (, an interesting take on augmenting the traditional desktop through VR. Might be too boring / obvious to some though, unsure... 😅

J. Ryan Stinnett 2021-08-01 00:41:41

Anyway, I agree the tech is way too early at the moment, but perhaps we'll eventually find a way to blend physical and virtual like @Marcin Ignac suggests. 🙂