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Jack Rusher 2021-06-28 12:33:29

And here's the second ClojureD video about our recent work at Nextjournal, this one concerning a soon-to-be-open source tool that brings graphical notebook functionality to your own favorite editor:

Tudor Girba 2021-06-28 12:54:00

Nice work!

Tudor Girba 2021-06-28 12:55:48

We introduced Lepiter a couple of weeks ago, a new component of Glamorous Toolkit that unifies the spaces of Knowledge Management, Notebooks and IDEs. Here is a recording of a live session providing a tour:

Rob Haisfield 2021-06-28 17:09:33

Looking for a research assistant. DM me a resume and/or portfolio if you’re interested. May be especially interesting for people interested in tools for thought and Web3. Here are some of the core questions we're pursuing:

What is the data structure of a graph built to facilitate collaborative knowledge synthesis? What sorts of implicit metadata could you capture from people's behaviors? How do you create powerful interfaces for structuring thought into a knowledge graph? What user behaviors are people doing already that specifies structure that is not being instantiated into a structure?

🐦 Robert Haisfield (hiring a research assistant!): In August, I'll start a 6 month research project investigating decentralized discourse graphs / structuring knowledge such that it's queryable and promotes synthesis

I'm looking for a paid research assistant! Position will be an AWESOME portfolio piece. DM me for more details 🧵