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Mariano Guerra 2021-04-26 08:17:47

In a programmable space, the concept of a computer is expanded outside a little rectangular screen. Interacting with a programmable space means using physical objects, not virtual ones on a screen. Bringing computing to the scale of a room makes it a communal and social experience.

Jacob Haip 2021-04-26 12:20:21

👋 That’s my project and I am occasionally on this Slack. Two years ago it started out as a Dynamicland clone but since then I have been playing and making demos in more ways that programming and the things people make can be made more physical.

Zach Potter 2021-04-26 15:38:44

Amazing project! I'd love to try it out sometime. Thanks for the details on setting up your own space

Mariano Guerra 2021-04-26 17:14:14

🐦 Victor: How user interface evolved for the past 40 years ✨

Visual Thread 🧵

Joshua Horowitz 2021-04-26 22:06:43

🐦 Omar Rizwan: I used to be so into galleries like this when I was a kid (random example I just came across while looking up something else)

now I look at it and I'm like... it's amazing how these GUIs are all exactly the same

William Taysom 2021-04-27 02:06:12

Mmm, Amiga Workbench blue, white, black, and orange.

Jack Rusher 2021-04-27 07:26:15

Joshua Horowitz Yeah, it's all a single thread of the work where everything is using the same ideas. This is, of course, why I made this other thread full of things that are that well trodden path:

🐦 ⸘Jack Rusher‽: I've been thinking about roads not taken lately, wondering whether we should revisit some of them...

Shubhadeep Roychowdhury 2021-04-27 14:42:48
Andreas S. 2021-04-28 09:49:50

So nice to see Dave Ackley playing on this self image symbol thing. What do you think?

Andreas S. 2021-04-28 09:52:08

Hey Chris Martens how are you doing? How are your explorations of tools for conviviality going? Seeing Dave playing around with his Image I'm getting a little sense of what that could mean.

Andreas S. 2021-04-28 10:18:54

Empathetic APIs 🤔☺😊😍

Scott Anderson 2021-04-30 02:59:12

I don't expect this to actually happen with the players involved, but it's actually an interesting proposal. A standard node definition also has a lot of interesting ramifications for folks outside of 3D DCC apps that are interested in audio or visual scripting more broadly

🐦 Delaney King 👉🏻👩🏻‍💻: So, I would love to gather together a group of developers from @unity3d, @Blender, @Unreal, @Substance3D and their plug devs and talk about developing a unified node graph behaviour standard to better serve the world game development community.

Jean-Louis Villecroze 2021-04-30 15:09:33

That's a great idea!

Denny Vrandečić 2021-04-30 16:31:23

They should do it via IETF or W3C, just to make it even more "fun"

Nick Smith 2021-04-30 23:50:20

I feel like the correct formalism for this would be "wiring diagrams". The only problem: it's a formalism from category theory, and most software devs aren't interested in studying mathematics.