Last week at Wasp (
- Implemented parsing of Prisma Schema Language, so now Wasp compiler can actually reason about the data models / entities during compile time -> this will be important for the future features, e.g. automatic generation of CRUD based on entities . This was also my first time properly using QuickCheck (property testing) in Haskell -> that was fun! It actually caught some bugs that I missed in unit tests. But it took me some time to get it right (hours).
- A contributor implemented .waspignore file -> problem was, Wasp is watching source files and triggering recompilation on any change, but often IDEs would create temporary backup files and those would mess things up. So now we can ignore them this way, or any other artifacts. .
- Wrote about Wasp on (my first post there): -> got a decent amount of hearts/unicorns :D.