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Cole Lawrence 2021-03-08 20:51:14

Does anyone have a recommendation for a i18n file formats that are machine read/write-able? I'm especially interested in i18n formats that can work well with syntax extensions (like adding links). I have been considering Fluent since it has a Rust parser and AST tooling, but I haven't found a crowd-sourcing localizations editor compatible with Fluent, yet. (Hand-rolling that platform is on the table for sure, but I wanted to see if anyone else has thoughts)

Daniel Garcia 2021-03-09 01:21:52

The Phoenix web framework uses .po files. I’m not really familiar with them, but seems that are popular.

I found with a quick search, it looks cool

Cole Lawrence 2021-03-09 02:35:03

Awesome, Poedit has came up in my searches over a few years, but I didn't know that it was the choice for the Phoenix framework—that's a pretty good endorsement.

Mikaël Mayer 2021-03-11 20:16:20

Hello everyone again,

Here is our latest interactive demo of our vision about the future of program editing, on WordPress. Make everything live editable.

I want to share it with you to get some of your comments :-)


🐦 Tharzen: Here is an interactive demo on how ANYTHING on WordPress becomes live editable. Not just pages like @BeaverBuilder , @elemntor , but also the built-in footer, menus, admin bar and even our own plugin.

Who said one should not edit @WordPress 's core? 😄