Ivan Reese 2021-01-18 02:23:57
David Piepgrass โ There is no sound in the video. Here's the prior thread: https://futureofcoding.slack.com/archives/CCL5VVBAN/p1598502207080100
Chris Rabl 2021-01-18 05:12:07
David Piepgrass To add to this: at the time I was exploring text editing and "outliner-adjacent" interfaces because I was starting to do more long-form writing for my job. I settled on working in Roam for now but I can see myself going back to this idea some day soon. Over the last few months I've been just building small "experimental" interfaces like this that I think could eventually evolve into a single cohesive system (or be "spun out" as general concepts like this). I really should start doing two minute week posts though...