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Konrad Hinsen 🕰️ 2020-10-18 18:57:40

Just watching Panicz Godek's talk at RacketCon on non-textual representations of programs. I am sure many of you here will like it. Should be on tomorrow, look for "day 2 session 3".

Andreas S. 2020-10-20 11:16:15

can you be further specific what do you like about it?

William Taysom 2020-10-20 16:57:09

I like it. I can be specific Andreas S. Godek's key point is about having principled rather than ad-hoc representations. What does that mean? One way to say it is that wiggle in the representation should correspond to an underlying wobble. Programming language text as interpreted by parsers and compilers generally doesn't work this way because small changes in the text generally correspond to errors.

Kartik Agaram 2020-10-23 03:32:58

I had to watch it at 0.75x speed!

Konrad Hinsen 2020-10-23 06:56:15

Several presenters at RacketCon spoke very fast to cram a lot of content into the 15 minute time frame. One of the risks of pre-recorded talks.

Konrad Hinsen 2020-10-20 09:50:39

Another video from RacketCon worth watching is the AMA session with Racket's "chief philosopher", Matthias Felleisen. Starting at 31:20 with an interesting discussion about types.

Christopher Galtenberg 2020-10-20 14:19:49

"We present the new notion of Read-Eval-Synth Loop (RESL), which extends REPL by providing in-place synthesis on parts of the expression provided by the user. Our experiments show that RESL reduces programmers’ effort, increases their task completion rate, and improves program correctness."

"The user does not know how to construct a range, so instead, they mark the current array expression as a portion of the program that should be replaced. This is called a sketch: the user expresses their intent to keep everything outside this sub-expression as is, while turning it into a hole to be replaced with a new expression."

Christopher Galtenberg 2020-10-20 14:21:04
Scott Anderson 2020-10-20 22:44:29

Interesting looking structured JSON editor made in Visual Studio Code ( There is also a video demonstrating it. It is designed to be a visual editor for structured game data (common in games, actually), but appears to be pretty generic. Makes me want to investigate VSCode Custom Editor functionality

Everett Pompeii 2020-10-22 10:28:42

I really appreciate you sharing this!

It's a ~90% match for the UI I've been planning for the JSON editor in my "next Excel" tool, and I have yet to see anything similar in the wild.

This is a very early stage mock up of the tool:

The 10% difference would be:

I would handle the nested structure a bit differently. Instead of being visually nested, you would go to an entirely new view and just be shown a breadcrumb of your path. I was also thinking of doing a Kialo like UI element to show you where in the "tree" you are.

I was also planning on calling the larger structure "tables" not "lists".

Since the table editor would also have to handle external JSON, I was also going to include the concept of "tabs", ie varients/algebraic data types.

I had initially written off links as a "database-like" feature of ie AirTable, but now I'm reconsidering that. They may be useful for raw data.

Do you think these would be improvement? Any further suggestions?

Scott Anderson 2020-10-23 21:55:37

Table flow looks cool. I'll play around with it a little more and when I have some thoughts. Some nesting is probably better from a visual understanding standpoint, but your approach sounds like its better for deep nesting

Brian Hempel 2020-10-21 16:58:20

We’ve posted the talk list for this year’s (virtual) LIVE Programming workshop. Take a look: We plan to record the presentations, but if you you can watch in real-time on November 17 and participate in the lively discussion. (And all prices are greatly discounted this year without a physical venue.) Hope to see you there!

Scott Anderson 2020-10-23 21:59:36

Microsoft made a Makecode inspired programming environment for building games on low powered embedded handhelds (Gameboy like). It looks like it uses rules rewriting and is relatively powerful. I've been wanting to prototype an environment like this for a long time (maybe on Playdate or something). I need to dig into it a little more but it looks cool

I found it through this kickstarter

Christopher Galtenberg 2020-10-23 22:01:40

Love the demo placed right on the landing page 💯

Scott Anderson 2020-10-23 22:11:55

It's not radically different from KidSim or PuzzleScript or other similar environments, but I really like that it works on a handheld, and the entire interface is basically a simple tile editor

Scott Anderson 2020-10-23 22:13:40

If I had the time I would have made a 3D version of something like this as a VR programming language

Scott Anderson 2020-10-23 22:15:33

maybe using angle and distance relationships instead of a discreet grid 😬

Scott Anderson 2020-10-23 23:39:15

The resolution for move and paint commands introduces the possibility of > non-deterministic>  behavior in games. For example, if a move-left and move-right command are sent to the same sprite, the resolution will choose one of the two commands at random. This is useful for coding unpredictable non-player character behavior.I like their approach to conflict resolution and that they explicitly state some commands can lead to non-determinism. I actually think that for many game types determinism is overrated and their suggestion that you can exploit this as a feature (random selection of a move) is pretty cool.

Facebook Horizon runs actions in order of execution (last action to change state will be the final state) but choosing a random command for immediate actions might have been a cool feature. I also thought about introducing priority to actions

Jimmy Miller 2020-10-23 23:59:01

Love the use of term rewriting here. For some reason term rewriting + a game loop hadn’t crossed my mind.

Scott Anderson 2020-10-24 01:19:50

It's not uncommon there are quite a few environments that do it

Christopher Galtenberg 2020-10-24 22:24:13

Anyone have experience with the Ink "CLI"? It's more like a CLI IDE in React?

🔗 vadimdemedes/ink

🐦 Aleksandra Sikora: Another reason why building CLIs with Ink is cool.

Emmanuel Oga 2020-10-25 08:18:38

I don't have experience with ink but recently been looking into text based UIs, I decided to use

Emmanuel Oga 2020-10-25 08:20:00

if you want to do things like syntax highlight, autocomplete, switch the input to vim or Emacs modes, etc. ppt may be a better choice since I'm guessing you would have to implement react-like versions of all those features using Ink

Raathi 2020-10-25 22:24:54

I have used Ink once before. Ink is a custom renderer for React. For example, React-dom renders to web but Ink renders to terminal.

You have to use components provided by Ink to build your terminal UI but still you can use all the react’s core features like props, state, hooks and etc.

The screenshot here is showing the React dev-tools working with Ink so you can debug your Ink apps with ease.

Ivan Reese 2020-10-25 21:44:36

[ from #thinking-together; original posts by Srini Kadamati]

I stumbled into this page + website y’day and it really got me thinking:

I love the elucidation of the “seven laws of personal computing” and the meta-approach of trying to codify more precisely what the ideals & aspirations for personal computing should be. I’m sure people have discussed this site before, but I”m discovering it for the 1st time 💯

as a tangent, I love the use of “operator” over “user” (which has been taken over by consumer internet companies and IMO degraded!)

“operator” makes me think of a “forklift operator”, aka a tool user. It shifts our collective lenses appropriately I feel!

📷 image.png