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Maikel van de Lisdonk 2020-08-10 18:06:51

Hi all, I've added support for webassembly to flow based programming project, which I couldn't be happier about!🎉 I am looking for real-world use-cases, so if anybody has a suggestion then please let me know

William Taysom 2020-08-11 05:48:20

Did you say 16x or 60x?

Maikel van de Lisdonk 2020-08-11 06:21:27

16x increase, but that is in my implementation/project when comparing the game of life implementations.

Kartik Agaram 🕰️ 2020-07-26 04:36:08

Today's demo is a half-baked snapshot of what a spreadsheet for trees might look like:

Lately I'm most excited by two ideas:

This demo kinda engages with the first. I'm still noodling on how to whether there's a clean way to work in the second.

Chris Maughan 2020-08-15 10:20:07

Nice 🙂 One comment was that I was initially confused that the first box was 'empty' because of all the |||||. I guess you use those to indicate 'current selection'. Maybe you could draw the bounds of the current box with * or something to make it clearer.

Mariano Guerra 🕰️ 2020-08-04 14:45:21

Half demo half two-minute-week, grid and table charts with settings, small examples of conditionals and functions:

Chris Maughan 2020-08-15 11:00:33

Loving the built in calculator and inline widgets; very stylish and obvious 🙂

Chris Maughan 2020-08-15 11:03:09

An overdue update on my pattern language work.

Chris Maughan 2020-08-15 11:05:39

I don't go into details in this short video, but the basic idea of the runtime is that I have a set of pipelines inside each pattern

pattern ->

notes << random << scale, notes << values, ....

amplitudes << values

Each pipe line can have several steps, and is a list so that each pattern can contain several groups of notes.

At resolve time, the C++ runtime evaluates the pattern completely for one full iteration. These notes are queued outside the audio thread, which receives them on a lock-free queue and plays them.

I'm still working hard on making the audio thread lock free, and other performance issues.

Chris Maughan 2020-08-15 11:06:35

The janet lang ends up generating pattern pipelines which are evaluated later.

I believe I can probably drop Ixi lang on top of the runtime; and I intend to try that soon. In the meantime I have bugs 😉